Should You Really Hire a Virtual Personal Assistant? Here’s Your Answer

With the growth of a company, its demands, and needs also grow. Therefore, keeping track of daily mundane tasks and expanding your business becomes difficult. There comes a considerable need for external support that you might not get from your in-house team. It is where virtual assistants come in. 

Thanks to the pandemic, their popularity has increased, and more businesses have realized the true impact of hiring a virtual personal assistant. Let’s look at what these virtual personal assistants can offer and if hiring them is worthwhile.

What Do You Mean By Virtual Assistants?

As the name suggests, a virtual assistant is a remote working employee that offers additional support to your business. Their goal is to free up your time so you can focus on crucial tasks like increasing the profitability of your business. 


A virtual assistant performs a myriad of valuable tasks, such as managing emails, handling administrative tasks, scheduling meetings, and more. They are well-versed with the latest tools and software that may help them work smart and offer quick turnarounds. A virtual assistant can help you improve productivity by 13%, making them a valuable asset for your company. 

What Are the Responsibilities of a Virtual Personal Assistant

Let’s say you want to hire a virtual personal assistant, but you don’t know how their services can be relevant to you. In a broad sense, a virtual personal assistant can carry out any back-end or admin task, remotely. Read below to understand a few basic tasks a personal assistant can help you with. 


1. Email Management

As a business owner, your inbox is often flooded with promotional messages, client queries, meeting requests, and whatnot. There's not enough time to skim through the spam and reply to each mail. A virtual personal assistant organizes your inbox, so you can quickly respond to the priority emails and ignore the spam. Furthermore, the assistant can reply directly to simple customer emails and carry out mundane communication tasks to free your time.


2. Social Media Management 

If your business has a social media presence, it's imperative to build on that to increase brand awareness. Virtual personal assistants help you strengthen your social media strategy through regular social media posts, responding to customer queries, and even running social media ads. 

3. Bookkeeping

Don't have the budget to hire a full-time accountant but need someone to carry out your basic bookkeeping tasks? Hire a part-time personal assistant to take care of such needs! Most virtual personal assistants can complete bookkeeping tasks such as entering data, reviewing inventory, reconciling bank accounts, maintaining financial records, approving invoices, etc.


Also read: 9 Practical Ways Virtual Accounting And Bookkeeping Can Improve Your Bottom Line


4. Travel Arrangements 

Constant traveling is part of growing your business, but it can get tricky and time-consuming if you take care of such arrangements yourself. Hire a personal assistant to complete such tasks while you focus on other essential things. From booking tickets to arranging a comfortable stay, a virtual assistant makes your life easier. 


5. Scheduling Appointments/ Meetings

As a busy entrepreneur, you do not have the time to keep track of your daily engagements and coordinate with other parties. Moreover, delegating this task to any of your employees will waste their productive time. A virtual personal assistant is a team player who will take care of back-end tasks to enhance your company's productivity. They will create e-invites, coordinate with clients and organize meetings/appointments at a suitable time for you.

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Personal Assistant

Hiring a virtual personal assistant has been a game-changer for several business owners. Essentially, they are the external support your business needs to complement what it lacks internally. Here are some compelling benefits that will convince you to hire a virtual personal assistant today.   


1. Work-Life Balance

The constant hustle of running a business can often blur the boundaries between work and personal space, making it challenging to balance both aspects of your life. Hiring a virtual personal assistant will lessen the workload, giving you more space to stay balanced and focused. According to the Harvard Business Review, learning how to delegate puts you one step closer to being a great leader. It enables you to spend time on other priorities like building your business and focusing on your personal life. 


2. Cost-Friendly 

Hiring a full-time employee is cheaper than hiring a virtual personal assistant. Full-time employees need high salaries and are entitled to employee benefits. At the same time, a virtual assistant doesn't require high-end benefits. Furthermore, your virtual personal assistant wouldn't need an office or other physical resources because everything would be done remotely. Thus, hiring a virtual personal assistant is not only beneficial but also affordable.


3. Expertise 

 Virtual personal assistants usually specialize in multiple domains due to the nature of their work. However full-time employees generally come with a special industry background. Thus, your versatile personal assistant can replace multiple in-house positions at a nominal rate. This is especially useful when you are cash-strapped or just starting up. Virtual personal assistants are a sure-shot way to get more done with minimal expense.


4. Time-friendly 

Hire a virtual personal assistant to work on time-consuming administrative tasks and decrease your workload. They specialize in several areas and can quickly adapt to your business requirements. As a business owner, it helps you quickly free up your time and focus on your core responsibilities. 

5. Flexibility 

You can hire virtual personal assistants from anywhere, so they are compatible with working in different time zones. You are not limited to your business hours to complete your workload. These hardworking virtual personal assistants are available according to your schedule and can complete the job within your deadline. 


6. Scalability 

Another attractive benefit of hiring a virtual personal assistant is that you can tailor their services according to your needs. As your business grows, you can scale the assistant's workload. Whether adding more tasks or decreasing them, the assistant will adapt to your needs accordingly. 


This flexibility makes it easy to manage your budget and ensures you only pay for the support you need when needed. Additionally, by scaling your virtual personal assistant's workload, you can ensure they can always provide high-quality support and that you are getting the best possible value for your investment.

The Drawbacks of Hiring a Virtual Personal Assistant

Here are some foreseen challenges you might have to face if you're hiring a virtual personal assistant.


1. Potential Miscommunication 

Working with a virtual personal assistant eliminates the possibility of face-to-face contact, which can result in miscommunication. Dealing with delicate or complex jobs that demand a high degree of knowledge and clarity can make it more difficult. These risks can be minimized by following clear communication guidelines and scheduling frequent check-ins.


2. Security Concerns 

Most business owners are worried about data breaches when they hire a virtual personal assistant. Sharing highly confidential information becomes difficult and interrupts the workflow. Putting data safety measures in place or outsourcing these assistants from a company that guarantees data protection is recommended.


3. Technological Problems 

Since all of their work is online virtual personal assistants must have reliable access to technology. Any technological problems will interfere with their daily communication and completion of tasks. These assistants must have some knowledge or training to troubleshoot simple tech issues to improve their workflow.


4. Building Relationships 

It can be challenging to connect and build a strong working relationship with a virtual personal assistant as they are not physically present at work. Moreover, they might feel alienated as they don't get a chance to socialize with other employees and participate in the company culture. Virtual social events and team-building activities can help you solve this issue.

The Solution to Your Pain Points

Now that you know the benefits and drawbacks of hiring a virtual personal assistant, you have a good idea about their potential. However, these drawbacks may hold you back from hiring them. What if we told you there's a way to hire a virtual personal assistant without any hassles? 


Flowz is an industry-leading company that helps businesses outsource required services. Our virtual personal assistants are heavily trained and have years of experience working in several industry verticals. We have legal checks in place to protect any sensitive client information that's shared. Moreover, our assistants are internally managed, so you don't have to go through hiring, managing, or training them.

To Conclude

It is fair to say that in today’s competitive landscape, virtual personal assistants have become indispensable. Many business owners have attested to the fact that hiring a virtual personal assistant has changed their life. Not only are they observing much more positive changes in their business, but they also have time to relax and focus on their personal lives. Based on the information presented above, it is highly recommended that you should hire a virtual personal assistant from Flowz.

The Flowz Advantage: Join a 20 Year Legacy

Running your business can be rewarding, but it’s no walk in the park. You constantly struggle between driving growth and ticking off administrative chores. You burn the candle at both ends only to realize that your to-do list gets longer while the bottom line suffers. 

Flowz was founded to solve this classic conundrum. In the past 20 years, we have helped more than 4000 clients scale their businesses by managing remote staffing needs and streamlining operations. Our virtual assistant services have proved to be a fundamental element of success!

Hire your virtual assistant

The Office Beacon legacy


‘Remote work’ became the new corporate buzzword only after the onset of Covid-19. However, Flowz has been delivering remote staffing expertise to a multitude of industries long before teleconferencing became popular.

We specialize in offering competent virtual assistants (VAs) who take care of your back-office tasks. We have helped thousands of clients manage administrative/operational chores and increase business agility at a fraction of the cost of hiring full-time employees. Whether you are looking for a software developer, a graphic designer, or an accountant, no job description is off limits for Flowz.


The Flowz Advantage: What makes us different




You will find numerous businesses offering staffing solutions. But what makes us stand out is the Flowz Advantage- the epitome of simplicity and excellence that our virtual assistant services offer. Our rich history of delivering outstanding managed services has helped us stand apart from the clutter and become a trusted remote outsourcing partner to our clients.


1. 20 Years of experience and expertise

For the past 20 years, we have spearheaded the outsourcing of full-time staff and helped companies scale their business. With thousands of employees providing 150 plus operational support services and millions of client hours under our belt, Flowz has secured the position of the best remote staffing solutions provider in the US.

 2. Global infrastructure

We are a US-based company with offices in Canada, India, the Philippines, Uruguay, and Australia. With delivery centers across multiple locations, we can ensure complete redundancy 24*7. Additionally, our global presence allows us to deliver service across various time zones (EST to PST) to suit your business hours. 


3. State-of-the-art offices

Although remote, assistants at Flowz are not working out of their homes but from office premises. All office locations are secured with guards and mandate biometric identity verification for all entries. We provide our VAs with superior equipment and technology to deliver seamless service.


4. On-site support for quality performance

Outsourcing to Flowz removes additional hurdles to monitoring employee performance. All remote employees undergo mandatory initial training for 2-4 weeks, and only then do they go live. This helps them meet the required productivity, reconciliation, and quality trackers. Our team leads will monitor your remote assistants’ performance by setting KPI expectations and send you bi-weekly performance reports.

remote outsourcing

5. Bilingual customer care services

Due to the increasing demand for bilingual (English and Spanish) customer support, Flowz launched its brand new location in Uruguay this year. So when you choose Flowz, you get access to bilingual virtual assistants skilled in Customer service and support, Order management, Administrative (back-office) tasks, Inside sales, Marketing, and Translation services. This assumes significance especially if you are a global brand and you require virtual assistants in sales.

6. Complementary software support

Your monthly contract covers complementary software in addition to your remote assistant’s training and working charges. This eliminates any additional costs incurred in texting, video conferencing, data archiving, using project management tools, etc.

7. Data Protection and Confidentiality

Flowz ensures complete data protection and confidentiality by-

  • Partnering with Ernst and Young for auditing security protocols and following data protection practices.
  • Ensuring any client works produced by employees fully comply with global licensing standards.  
  • Connecting with client systems via secure VPN and OTP. Flowz’s remote assistant management tool that holds client chats and files is end-to-end encrypted for your foolproof security.
  • Mandating virtual assistants to sign non-disclosure agreements (N.D.A) covering every data file they work on. This offers protection against intellectual property rights (IPR) and client data misappropriation.
  • Employing labor attorneys across all operational countries to adhere to every regional employment regulation. 
  • Including a $1 million Errors & Omissions insurance policy. Flowz is a US-based company with international subsidiaries and does not involve third parties.

Outsource your staffing needs to Flowz

Looking to slash your overhead costs and eliminate HR headaches? Planning to hire this season but worried about space constraints? Well, look no further!

Over the years, Flowz has built expertise around liberating you from the time-sinkers, so you can focus on what matters most, i.e., business growth. We take your BPO job description and match you with virtual assistants who are subject matter experts and will be dedicated full-time to your company. We only offer customized packages because we understand that no two operations are alike.

So, whatever your staffing needs, “We Can Do That”! Hire a virtual assistant today and reap benefits!

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