Logistics Challenges & Trends In 2023 & Beyond: Navigating The Future Of Mobility


The future of transportation logistics management remains tentatively poised. It will be shaped by revolutionary transformations with major disruptive technologies like blockchain, IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and autonomous vehicles. However, the transport industry also faces headwinds in the near term with sluggish growth, worsened by inflationary pressures worldwide. With real-time tracking becoming the need of the hour, can outsourcing logistics services to third-party logistics partners provide a competitive advantage? Let’s take a dive into the logistics challenges and trends that will define 2024!

Here are the 5 major transportation trends that are unveiling as you read this!

1. Are Autonomous Vehicles Going to Rule the Roost?

It is the age of automation and it promises greater safety benefits with Automated Driving Systems (ADS). In the future of mobility, driverless cars are a reality.

Self-driving vehicles will progressively incorporate six levels of driver assistance technology, making improvements in the coming years. The six levels range from Level 0, which requires human drivers to do all driving tasks, to Level 5, wherein vehicle ADS executes all tasks.

Level 0 – No Automation: Nill autonomy, the driver performs all driving tasks.

Level 1 – Driver Assistance: Vehicles are controlled by drivers with little driving assistance features. 

Level 2 – Partial Automation: Vehicles are armed with automated functions (acceleration, steering, etc). However, driver engagement is required and they have to monitor the environment.

Level 3 – Conditional Automation: Drivers are a necessity but they are now free from monitoring the environment. Nevertheless, they must be on their toes to take control at all times.

Level 4 – High Automation: The vehicle is now able to execute all driving functions under specified conditions. The driver might have the option to take control, though not required.

Level 5 – Full Automation: The vehicle is capable of performing all driving functions under all conditions (even in the absence of a driver).

For instance, Israel has become a hub for $35 billion worth of mobility innovations that intends to reshape the global transportation industry, with hundreds of mobility-related startups trying to solve logistics challenges. And, global vehicle manufacturers are jumping on the bandwagon too!

2. Sustainability

Before the transportation industry seeks to upgrade and build modern infrastructure, lay new railway tracks, and construct new roads, it’s vital that the stakeholders come together to improvise and become sustainable. While other industries have taken baby steps to reduce emissions, the transport sector continues to expand at the expense of fossil fuels. 

Without taking major actions to counter this tendency, the climate targets established by international organizations, such as the Paris Agreement, to attain net-zero emissions by 2050 would be almost unattainable.

The regulators and consumers alike are waking up to the dangers of extreme climate and demanding greater sustainability across the transportation sub-segments.

3. Artificial Intelligence - The Backbone of Level 5 Autonomous Vehicles

Pedestrian detection is a key hindrance in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition since they are freakishly unpredictable when negotiating with road traffic. The key is not necessarily for AI to recognize distinct human features like eyes and beards, but to distinguish a human from another object and understand a pedestrian’s intention.

Will a pedestrian cross the road out of nowhere? 

How likely it is for a person to move right (or left) in response to an approaching vehicle?

As per a report, the AI transportation market is projected to reach $3.5 billion by 2023, clocking an impressive growth of 16.5%.

Traffic Management In Mega Cities

Congestion is a major problem in all major cities worldwide. AI can revolutionize traffic management. Coupled with embedded sensors and cameras, large volumes of traffic details can be captured at minimal investments. AI-powered systems can analyze the data and provide commuters with important details such as traffic predictions, road blockages, route optimization options, etc. 

For instance, Spanish startup Trucksters has deployed an AI-based long-distance full truckload (FTL) transport service. It arms the FTL trucks with sensors that allow for real-time monitoring. Leveraging its proprietary relay system, Trucksters has reduced the transit time of fleet transport. 

To cut it short, AI in transportation is an inevitable trend. And the benefits of outsourcing logistics services in the field of AI are manifold since you have to tap into the talent transcending national boundaries!

4. Mobility as a Service

MaaS (Mobility as a Service) adds value to both commuting as well as cargo transport ecosystems by deploying a single application to access unified mobility options. It also uses a single payment channel instead of multiple ticketing, which is the standard norm till now. 

A MaaS operator integrates various transportation modes, like buses, private operators, ride-sharing individuals, and railways on the unified platform interface. A successful MaaS service can also unlock new business opportunities by organizing and operating several transport options, to serve unmet demand.

In simple terms, the whole MaaS concept involves 3 key components:

  • Providing a service that focuses on the transport needs of individuals/businesses;
  • Providing mobility instead of transport; and
  • Providing integration of transport services, payment, ticketing, and data insights.

MaaS has the potential to speed up logistics and this is a major trend to watch out for!

5. Transportation & Blockchain: An Inevitable Marriage!

Scenario 1:

Imagine you are a freight broker who needs to fill a load in a specific pickup location. You have discovered a new carrier who can do the job, but you can't assign it until the carrier is properly onboarded. This situation can be frustrating when you are in a hurry!

Blockchain technology can help you by creating a decentralized network that stores all the necessary records of carriers across the transportation and freight industry. This is almost impossible to fake and can be verified instantaneously.

Scenario 2:

A company wishes to release payment to a shipper as soon as its goods reach its destination. A blockchain-backed smart contract can make it happen. 

Supply chains nowadays are extremely inefficient because they rely on paper-based systems or mail which must pass through numerous approval channels, increasing exposure to loss/fraud. Blockchain can completely eliminate all of that. Administrative costs currently account for 20% of the overall transportation costs and the amount of money that can be saved utilizing smart contracts could be mind-boggling! 

Blockchain in Trucking Alliance (BiTA) is already leading a global initiative to introduce blockchain into the trucking industry and boost the efficiency of freight movement and ease of payments. The blockchain buzz is only going to get stronger in the years to come! 

Logistics Challenges Galore, Opportunities Beneath the Surface?

1. Truckers Shortage - A Result of Work-Life Imbalance?

Picture yourself as an employee who wants to have a good work-life balance. You might want to steer clear of being a lorry driver, according to a study by CBS in late 2020. 

The study explored which jobs lead to a poor work-life balance. Of all the employees they asked, 7.6% reported that they frequently or very frequently experience a work-life imbalance. But, for lorry drivers, it was 18%. Vis-a-vis the average of all professions surveyed, truck drivers report a work-life imbalance 237% more frequently.

How autonomous vehicles are looking to fill the gap?

Autonomous vehicles can fuel efficiency by obliterating human drivers. What’s more, one can program these vehicles to dynamically alter pre-established routes and speed, based on informed inputs. These vehicles can also be tracked by logistics coordinators and collect data all across their journey, to further improve operations.

Point in case? Recently, Elon Musk stated that the company’s next-gen vehicle will function “almost entirely in an autonomous mode”.

2. Improving Cybersecurity

Transportation businesses are relying more on technology than ever before. Unfortunately, for cybercriminals, it sounds like Eden’s Garden! Without an effective transportation management system, workers can unknowingly reveal internal information that could lead to serious cyber attacks. 

Likewise, without an effective protocol in place, the transportation and logistics staff may not comply with specific measures to prevent such attacks from happening. This is becoming a critical threat as fleets of autonomous vehicles hit the highways.

The Uswitch study reveals that connected cars generate up to 25GB of data per hour. This includes data about the driver, the car, the passengers, and whatnot. To put things in perspective, that is more than the data generated by a Boeing 787!

Here is another chilling fact. Each of the four largest shipping companies (worldwide) has been hit by cybercriminals. Imagine what will happen if global commerce gets disrupted with just a few clicks from a rogue actor!

Way out? Cybersecurity training!

This is the cornerstone of all efforts that a transportation business can make to defend itself from cyber attacks. Reason? Most attacks have an element of social engineering (like emails, texts). Apart from that network segmentation can also help. If networks are segmented into smaller parts, IT managers can boost network performance and improve security.

3. Climate-proofing Transport Infrastructure

Transportation is a major contributor to climate change. In the United States, transportation accounted for 28% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. These emissions come from gas to power cars, trucks, ships, planes, and trains. As the risks from climate change escalate, countries need to prepare for rising transport infrastructure costs. For instance, World Bank research estimates that the cost of road maintenance in Africa will increase by 270% in the coming decades as a result of climate change.

How electrification can help?

Transitioning to greener electric vehicles (EVs) is the way to go!

A study from the Our World in Data captures the staggering fall of lithium-ion battery prices, which have declined by 97 percent (yes, you read that right!) since 1991. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global electric car stock mounted a 10 million peak in 2020, a 43% increase from 2019. The IEA report further estimates that the share of electric cars could reach 60% by 2030 in a net-zero emissions scenario.

That has fuelled the mass production of electrified vehicles (EVs), in the past decade. A cleaner and more efficient alternative to conventional vehicles, they are being supported by government policies around the world.

But, what happens if these electric vehicles keep running on electricity generated by dirty fuels like coal? Food for thought?

4. Visibility & Real-time Tracking

For many shippers, having real-time visibility of their freight is a top priority in the supply chain, second only to reducing costs and improving transit speed. Real-time visibility allows businesses to react swiftly to any disruptions that may occur in the supply chain. In the past, shippers could only monitor their cargo when it reached a certain point. But now, live visibility is essential for an effective supply chain.

Visibility also aids the entire supply chain, including the distribution operations. For instance, a delayed shipment can cause production lines to stop in a factory, a shortage of inventory, or a realignment of staffing on the loading docks. It can also reduce the efficiency of other parts of the supply chain. 

Can logistics outsourcing help with tracking?

Yes, it can!

Hiring niche logistics coordinators is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. Veteran logistics experts put you in a commanding position to remote control logistic operations by eliminating risks, and losses, and anticipating disruptions. 

Transportation Industry at a Glance

Applying the Brakes

The logistics industry often grapples with handling the movement of goods from one place to another. With major disruptions and tech advancements in the mix, the industry is looking to iron out logistics challenges by embracing the latter. Though each transportation subsector is affected differently, there is a visible momentum towards logistics outsourcing to achieve greater micro-mobility (or MaaS), automation, electrification, and AI management. Over the long term, these are all promising signs for the sector.

How to Outsource Food and Beverage Manufacturing

The food and beverage industry has long been recognized as one of the most critical sectors worldwide. Recent research reveals an impressive growth trajectory, with a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% in 2023. With the expansion of the food and beverage manufacturing industry, business owners are in need of skilled staff to take their companies to the next level. 


Enter virtual assistants- the game-changing resource that can revolutionize your food and beverage manufacturing. Virtual assistants offer an innovative and cost-effective approach to tackling the industry’s demands and enabling businesses to collaborate directly with domain experts. By leveraging the expertise of these skilled professionals, entrepreneurs can streamline operational processes, enhance productivity, increase profitability, and much more!

The Role of Virtual Assistants in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry

Virtual remote assistants play a significant role in the food and beverage manufacturing industry, optimizing productivity and supporting remote operations. The global food packaging equipment market size was valued at $16,901.0 million in 2020 and is projected to reach $33,148.2 million by 2031. This registers a CAGR of 6.3% from 2022 to 2031, indicating the industry's substantial size and growth potential. Virtual assistants enable manufacturers to monitor and control production processes remotely, reducing the need for an on-site presence. Virtual assistants contribute to streamlined communication, real-time data analysis, and remote troubleshooting, enhancing operational efficiency, cost savings, and adaptability in the food and beverage manufacturing sector.

How Can a Virtual Assistant Increase Your Food & Beverage Company's Productivity

VAs are the future of the food and beverage manufacturing industry. It's the most efficient way to increase your bottom line in a budget-friendly way. Your virtual assistant takes care of all the back-end operations so you can focus on other vital tasks. Here's a list of food and beverage manufacturing tasks your virtual assistant can help you with.


1. Inventory Control Tasks 

Inventory management is one of the nightmares of business owners. Since it's such an integral business model component, they can't afford to make inventory mishaps. That's why hiring a professional who can handle all the heavy lifting for you is best. Virtual assistants are well-versed with the latest technologies and tools required to manage inventory. They ensure the stocks are always available, place orders on time, maintain safety stocks, and coordinate with other parties such as suppliers, retailers, vendors, etc. 


2. Promotions 

Brand awareness doesn't come easy. A lot of companies spend significant amounts of money on creating brand awareness. However, outsourcing this task to your virtual assistant will give you the same, if not better, results at half the price. Virtual assistants know the ins and outs of the food and beverage industry. They leverage that in planning, conceptualizing, planning, and executing events for your company. VAs also use both offline and online channels to promote their brand. For example, they might create an attractive ad, send it to the local newspaper, and post it on social media to spread brand awareness.


3. Accounting 

Having an expert who can manage accounting tasks and other responsibilities daily is very handy. Business owners need to realize the full potential of their virtual assistants and put it to good use. Most VAs have the necessary certifications required to handle accounting tasks. They also use software tools in the marketplace to optimize and organize your firm's accounts. At the end of the day, this cuts down your burden of hiring an expensive accountant to do basic tasks that your VA can do easily.


4. Vendor Management 

Don't waste your time coordinating with endless vendors when you could spend that time taking your business to the next level. Your food and beverage virtual assistant can handle end-to-end vendor communications. From intercepting important information, scheduling or taking meetings to managing orders with them- your VA can do it all. They can also handle contract management, negotiation, and conflict resolution with your vendors and suppliers. They ensure compliance with the set terms and conditions during the whole process. 

5. Market Research 

Virtual assistants conduct meticulous market research and analyze the data to identify vital indicators, trends, etc. It can help you plan your next steps, understand customer behavior & preferences, and assess competitors. Your virtual assistant collects, organizes, and presents these valuable insights as a research report, making it easy to store and access the database at any given time. Leverage the market research conducted by your virtual assistant to make informed decisions, develop company strategies, and make new products. 


6. Social Media Marketing 

Virtual assistants can assist you in managing your social media accounts by creating compelling and relevant content, scheduling posts at optimal times, and engaging with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and reviews. They can also monitor industry trends and identify relevant hashtags and topics to ensure your social media presence remains up-to-date and engaging. By efficiently managing your social media accounts, they increase brand visibility, foster customer engagement, and build a robust online presence for your food and beverage business.


7. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM is a critical aspect of running a successful food and beverage business, and virtual assistants can help you implement and manage a CRM system explicitly tailored to your food and beverage business. They organize and centralize customer data, including contact information, purchase history, and preferences. By effectively tracking customer interactions, such as inquiries, feedback, and orders, they give you a holistic view of your customer relationships. With this information, they can develop personalized marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and customer retention strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. 


8. Marketing Support

A virtual assistant specialized in the food and beverage industry can provide comprehensive marketing support to help elevate your brand. They assist in developing brand guidelines that ensure consistency across all marketing materials, from logos and color schemes to fonts and imagery. They also create engaging and visually appealing marketing collateral such as brochures, menus, banners, and social media graphics. With expertise in copywriting, they can also craft compelling and persuasive copy for advertisements, website content, blog posts, and social media captions. Your VA can help you effectively communicate your brand's unique identity and key messages to attract and engage your target audience.

How to Work Effectively with Virtual Assistants

In today's fast-paced business environment, virtual assistants enhance efficiency and productivity. By effectively collaborating with virtual assistants, food and beverage manufacturing businesses can leverage their skills, expertise, and flexibility to achieve optimal results. However, the catch is that business owners are not aware of how to harness their full potential and abilities. Well, here's how to establish a successful partnership with virtual assistants, unlocking the full potential of collaboration.

Also Read: Should You Really Hire a Virtual Personal Assistant? Here’s Your Answer


Establish Clear Performance Metrics

To establish clear performance metrics for your virtual assistant, defining specific parameters that align with their role and responsibilities is essential. These metrics serve as measurable performance indicators, and help gauge their effectiveness in supporting your business operations. Some examples of these metrics include task completion rate, accuracy, responsiveness, quality of work, and adherence to deadlines. By clearly defining and communicating these performance metrics to your virtual assistant, you can drive their performance toward desired outcomes.


Foster a Feedback Culture

A feedback culture is essential for cultivating a collaborative and productive relationship with your virtual assistant. Encourage open communication and create a safe space for them to share their ideas, suggestions, and concerns. Regularly solicit their input on processes, workflows, and areas they feel could be improved. Likewise, providing constructive feedback is equally important. Offer specific, actionable feedback on their performance, highlighting areas for improvement and recognizing their strengths. Regular feedback exchanges allow for continuous improvement, alignment of expectations, and adjustments that enhance collaboration and overall performance.


Tailor Recognition to Preferences

By understanding the virtual assistant's preferences, you can ensure that your recognition efforts resonate with them. Every person has different preferences when it comes to receiving recognition and incentives. Some may feel motivated by public recognition, such as praise during team meetings or acknowledgment in a company-wide email. Others may prefer private acknowledgments, such as a personalized message of appreciation or a one-on-one conversation. By tailoring your approach, you create a positive and supportive environment that motivates your virtual assistant to excel and feel valued as an integral part of the team.


Task Delegation and Prioritization

They are vital to optimizing efficiency and productivity when working with a virtual assistant. Consider the virtual assistant's skills, expertise, and capacity to delegate tasks effectively. Assign tasks that align with their strengths, allowing them to leverage their abilities and contribute effectively. Communicate the priorities associated with each task, ensuring that the virtual assistant understands the importance and urgency of each assignment. Regularly review task assignments and adjust priorities as needed, considering shifting deadlines, changing project requirements, or emerging priorities. 

To Conclude

Outsourcing your tasks to virtual assistants gives you access to valuable support and expertise to streamline operations. With the trajectory of the food and beverage manufacturing industry shifting rapidly, taking advantage of it is essential to increase your profits. Of course, finding the right virtual assistant for outsourcing can be tricky. That's why it's best to go with a reputable and reliable company like Flowz. With decades of experience in the industry, our virtual assistants have helped countless clients reach their goals.

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help You With Store Inventory Management?

74% of businesses have experienced shipment delays and much longer lead times. This gap represents the urgent need for improvement in the industry. Store inventory management is a complicated process, and it serves as the backbone for the optimal functioning of retail businesses. Present market conditions require firms to step up their game. However, hiring support doesn’t come cheap; that’s why most companies hire virtual assistants to complete their tasks. Read more to discover how outsourcing store inventory management to a virtual store assistant can cut your expenses and worries in half.

The Growing Significance of Virtual Assistants in the Retail Landscape

The expansion of the retail industry has created a growing need for virtual assistants to support back-end processes like store inventory management. From stocking to order management, the end-to-end process is handled by them. Apart from affordability, the aspect that makes hiring retail staff different from full-time employees is their scalability and flexibility. The working model gives them the added advantage of working remotely-anytime & anywhere. 

Essential Skills Your Virtual Assistant Needs For Store Inventory Management

What skills do you need while hiring virtual assistants for store inventory management? Well, we have done a quick rundown of the top ten mandatory skills that your VA must have. This list makes it easier for you to sieve through the resumes and find one that suits your needs.


1. Communication 

Communication is one of the most effective and powerful skill sets. Especially in the retail industry, solid communication skills are required to complete daily store inventory management tasks. Your VA should have written and verbal proficiency to easily handle all client and vendor communication. Whether sending emails, daily update reports, 

coordinating with vendors, etc., your VA should be on it. It helps bring uniformity in terms of communication in the workplace and accelerates retail operations.


2. Technical Expertise 

Joining the digital transformation wave is the only way to keep up with the growing competition. This process requires every candidate you hire to have basic IT knowledge. Fortunately, most virtual assistants are well-versed in technological advancements and have experience using a powerful software tool suite. Excel, Powerpoint, CRM, and inventory management applications are some of the areas your VA should have proven experience in. Being capable of using these apps can automate basic tasks in your store and reduce human error in store inventory management. 


3. Email Management 

Running a business comes with a messy inbox. This is where most VAs come in. Regardless of your virtual assistant’s role, email management skills are a must. Your virtual store assistant sieves through your emails and organizes them based on your priorities. It saves you the hassle of searching through important emails and responding to them. They are also responsible for timely replying to client emails, customer inquiries, orders, vendor reports, etc. You could also ask your VA to execute email marketing campaigns, which includes monitoring them and using analytical parameters such as click-through rates, open rates, subscribe/unsubscribe rates, and bounce rates. 

4. Time Management 

Smart business owners hire virtual assistants that successfully manage their time on their own and with their clients. You’re hiring a VA to work as an independent individual who can improve your business’s overall efficiency and productivity. It means the virtual assistant needs to be caught up with daily tasks, keep up with deadlines, streamline workflow, and realistically plan daily task completion. Virtual assistants generally create calendars to monitor and coordinate store inventory management and other retail operations. 


5. Typing 

Typing skills come very much in handy, especially while working remotely. Your virtual assistants must have professional typing skills to take notes during meetings, transcribe client meetings or reports, or accurately perform data entry. Store inventory management requires handling a lot of data; mishandling could cause problems for your business. However, a VA with sharp skills can fasten the data entry process so your company doesn’t have to face retail hassles. 


6. Mathematical Skills

Your virtual assistant will be dealing with numbers all day, so they need to be quick with their arithmetic skills. Store inventory management can be hectic and time-consuming, so a virtual assistant who is comfortable working with numbers. This makes it easy for them to look at Inventory data all day and process them with minimal human error. Therefore, it’s a significant advantage if your virtual assistant has this skill.


7. Detail- Oriented

Virtual assistants responsible for store inventory management should ideally have a keen eye for detail. The retail environment is fast-paced, and you need someone who doesn’t miss out on the details among it all. Being detail-oriented comes in handy when dealing with stocking, customer complaints, inbound and outbound inventory, shipping, etc. Your virtual assistant should meticulously handle and store the data in an organized manner so it’s easy to retrieve them when needed.

5 Tips That Will Streamline Your Store Inventory Management

An efficient and well-maintained inventory system is the core of any business. Not only does this significantly reduce operations costs and increase margins. Implement these five expert tips to make your store inventory management effective & efficient. 


1. Maintain Safety Stock

Lack of stock can affect the profitability of your business. That’s why business owners use statistical methods for accurate sales forecasts. It helps them determine stock for each item in the inventory. In addition, it’s crucial to maintain safe stock options, which means keeping a minimum in-stock count for each item in the inventory. Software applications like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems help business owners track this information for each item so they can maintain safety stock.


2. Leverage Technology 

Technological advancements are a vital differentiator in giving you an edge over your competitors. As a business owner, you must stay on top of inventory tracking and management techniques. It helps in making informed decisions regarding which technologies to invest in. Integrating the latest technological tools and platforms will facilitate the company’s rapid development.


3. Cut the Excess Inventory 

Excess inventory lying around in your warehouse is just dead weight. It occupies unnecessary space, making storing or moving new stock challenging. Products no longer being sold or used or in demand must be unloaded. Research shows that reducing stock-outs and overstocks can lower inventory costs by 10%. An inventory audit is the fastest and easiest way to single out products underperforming in the market. Offering special discounts like buy one get one free or 50% off will help you free up storage.


4. Order Processing 

Order processing and efficient store inventory management go hand in hand. Implementing advanced strategies for order processing management is pivotal for providing efficient services such as shipping, receiving, and storage. Introducing a new layout to the warehouse and reliable personnel will ensure orders are processed quickly without delays or errors. There are software tools available that help business owners simplify order processing and management.


Also read: Are Virtual Assistants Necessary for Efficient Order Management Process?


5. Contingency Strategies 

Running a business is complicated, to say the least. Retail operations, specifically store inventory management is not an easy task. Several things can go wrong, such as running out of stock, no working capital to purchase items, fluctuating demand due to seasonal hikes, etc. Thus, it’s necessary to have contingency plans to be prepared for such unforeseen circumstances. This way, you have a plan of action to help you get out in an emergency. 


Why struggle with store inventory management when you can outsource it to a virtual retail assistant? The retail industry is vast, and you need backup support. So, business owners choose outsourcing as the most convenient and cost-effective solution. Flowz has domain experts with considerable knowledge and skillsets to meet your requirements. Outsourcing from Flowz gives you the benefit of an exceptional online store assistant at competitive rates.

Are Virtual Assistants Necessary for Efficient Order Management Process?

The order management process is the backbone of any eCommerce business. About 20.8% of retail purchases in 2023 are expected to occur online. From the time a customer clicks on ‘buy’ till the time the product is delivered to the customer, the whole journey falls under order management and processing. It sounds easy enough at first, but if it’s not maintained or executed correctly- it will lead to potential loss and damage. In this blog, we will explore the order management process and how a virtual assistant can help you.

Understanding Order Management Process

In simple terms, the order management process includes accepting, tracking, and fulfilling orders placed by customers. However, there are a lot more components to it. The order processing manager will also have to coordinate and manage the inventory system, delivery visibility, etc. With the advancement of technology, business owners can now keep track of everything in one place. 

There’s room for error in the coordination and involvement of many departments within the order management process. As a business owner, you can’t afford such a mistake. That’s why most business owners outsource eCommerce store management, specifically order processing management, to save time and money. Letting an expert virtual assistant handle all the grunt work reduces the possibility of error and frees up time for your full-time employees to focus on other essential tasks.

The Key Components of Order Management Process: Tasks a VA Can Help You With

Are you planning to outsource your order management process but unsure what tasks your virtual assistants can handle? Well, worry not. In this blog section, we focus on the different tasks your VA can do for you.


1. Order Receiving and Entry

Depending on your business model, your VA receives and accepts customer orders through emails, social media, websites, or phone calls. It is the first of the many steps in the order management process. Your VA can enter the order details manually or use software to automate the process to ensure all the necessary information is stored in a database. Furthermore, they send an order confirmation message or mail to the customer.


2. Order Verification and Validation

Once the order is accepted, it needs to be validated regarding available inventory, promo codes, special discounts, pricing, etc. Virtual assistants do this to monitor the business’s stock availability and cash flow. They also verify the information provided by the customer, like phone number, address, etc., to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the order information. The VA screens all orders to ensure there’s no fraud to prevent/block fraudulent charges, keeping your business safe.


3. Inventory Check and Allocation

Managing inventory is a tedious and time/consuming task in the order management process, but it’s crucial for the success of your business. With the help of your VA, you get detailed and error-free inventory reports timely, so you can focus on optimizing your business. They update the inventory records and alert you if there’s an out-of-stock or low-stock situation to take the necessary action. Most of all, your business will always be up and running as the VA will ensure that there’s always sufficient stock for order fulfillment.


4. Payment Processing

It’s always best to let one person handle the end-to-end order management process. Virtual assistants are generally well-versed in financial knowledge and have the skills to use software tools to make payment processing easier. They handle credit card transactions, processing invoices, payments, etc. To ensure the customer’s and company’s safety, your VA ensures that all protocols are followed, the payment gateways are secure, and the payment collection process is monitored.

5. Order Fulfillment and Packaging

Since multiple departments are involved, coordinating with them can get tricky. VAs are constantly in touch with the warehouse or fulfillment center during order management. They coordinate with the center to ensure the order is picked up, packaged, and delivered on time. Further, virtual assistants also arrange for packaging material (like boxes, protective bags, etc.), to secure the products and ensure the delivered goods are not damaged. VAs also look into labels and packing slips to confirm the order is correct and reaches the right person. 


6. Shipping and Delivery Logistics

Another department virtual assistants coordinate with during the order management process is logistics. VAs help them schedule pickups for on-time delivery. They must also look into customer preferences like shipping methods, delivery destination, cost on delivery options, cost considerations, etc. They take care of the shipping and delivery logistics to ensure no delay during transit. On-time delivery adds to customer satisfaction, which builds brand reputation.


7. Order Tracking and Status Updates

Do you know that 76% of people will stop doing business with a company after two terrible customer experiences? They want to see where the order is, how long it will take to reach, etc. Virtual assistants keep customers informed about their order status and answer any query that they might have. They can provide further information on order shipping, processing, approximate delivery date, and more. It reassures the customer and keeps them in a loop. 


8. Returns and Exchanges Management

Virtual assistants also handle the process of managing exchanges or returns for customers. VAs communicate with them to understand why they want to exchange or return the product, if the product received is damaged, etc. These reasons help your business improve production and order management processes. Customers get 24/7 assistance from virtual assistance to initiate return requests, get return shipping, and exchange products on time. 


9. Customer Communication and Support

A Harvard Company Review states that business owners spend, on average, 3% of their work hours communicating with customers. It means there’s little time allocated to the people essential for growing the business. That’s why they choose to outsource a virtual assistant to help them with the order management process. This way, business owners can focus on other things on their plate without neglecting customer support. 


10. Order Documentation and Record-Keeping

The order management process is complex; virtual assistants keep the process organized and manageable by documenting everything. They are responsible for maintaining and keeping track of ongoing and past order details, payment records, customer data, and more. These documents and records are stored in a manner that is easily accessible for future use. Virtual assistants can also use data and records to analyze trends and give insights into sales, business trends, or customer behavior.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Order Management Process

The order management process is not smooth sailing. During this journey, you are bound to encounter one or many challenges. Here is a rundown of some of such issues and how to solve them.

1. Technology Limitations 

The manual order management process is a thing of the past. It is time-consuming, inaccurate, causes delays, is error-prone, and ultimately leads to customer dissatisfaction. Business owners have realized that the key to rapid growth and success is automation. By integrating order management system processes or even customer relationship management software, you can improve the efficacy of operations on all fronts of your business.


2. Order Tracking 

Customers want to know where the product is or how long it will take to deliver. Poor tracking and visibility of the order lead to customer queries, a hike in customer support requests, and a poor shopping experience. To avoid this, streamline your eCommerce site or app and allow customers to track their orders and get real-time updates. Back-end processes like integrating tracking numbers from shipping carriers into your OMS needs to be done to give such a service to your buyers. Customers who can view and manage orders independently are less likely to be dissatisfied with your business

3. Collaboration and Communication 

As mentioned before, the order management process requires many departments to communicate and coordinate to deliver the product successfully. In most cases, the inefficient communication between these parties leads to delays or errors in order processing. To prevent this from happening, most businesses outsource virtual assistants as it’s less time-consuming, and they are well-versed with all the practices/tools required for accessible and effective communication. 


4. Scalability 

As your business experiences an increase or decrease in demand due to seasonal fluctuations, market forces, etc., it can be hard to adapt to such changes instantly. There needs to be a system in place through which you can maintain the flexibility to meet the changing demands. Outsourcing the order management process is the easiest and most effective solution. Depending on the current requirements, you can scale up or down and pay accordingly. An alternative solution is to invest in scalable technology that can handle the increasing orders when necessary.

To Sum Up

By now, it’s clear that virtual assistants are the solution to all challenges encountered during the order management process. They are necessary to streamline operations and drive growth or success. Outsourcing a virtual assistant from Flowz comes with many perks. The competitive rates allow you to hire them cost-effectively; you get access to a suite of powerful software tools, detailed weekly reports of VAs, and so much more. Outsource your order management process and leave your operations in capable hands.

How Innovation Is Shaping Up The Construction Industry’s Future?


Imagine a world where engineering and construction (E&C) firms can create impressive skyscrapers and infrastructures that meet the diverse and dynamic needs of the population. A world where they can leverage the power and efficiency of remote professionals to deliver projects faster, cheaper, and better. A world where they can innovate and disrupt the industry with new business models and value propositions. This is not a fantasy, but a reality unfolding right now. Welcome to the construction revolution era, where E&C firms increasingly embrace new ideas and seize opportunities like never before.

Construction is poised for a great year in 2023 as it rebounds from the pandemic. The industry will enjoy the fruits of technological progress and high demand for its services. The sky is the limit for what can be accomplished! Here are some key trends unfolding in 2023.

#1 The Age of Construction 4.0 & Labor Scarcity

Interconnected techs will digitize, automate and integrate the construction process across the value chain, which experts are terming Construction 4.0. These technologies include the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, additive manufacturing, drone monitoring and other cyber-physical systems (CPS), and building information modeling (BIM).

According to IMARC, a leading market research group, the construction 4.0 market size was USD 14 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow to US$ 35.1 Billion by 2028 at a rate of 15.7% per year from 2023 to 2028.

BIM is a key technology that reduces energy consumption and creates 3D models that prevent errors and delays in projects. It also cuts down on waste materials and carbon emissions during construction. It can also improve worker safety when coupled with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) solutions.

However, the construction industry faces a challenge in finding and hiring skilled workers. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Commercial Construction Index reported that 88% of contractors have had this problem. This comes at a time when the country (the US) has approved its largest infrastructure bill ever.

Guess what? All of these can be outsourced and the best talent can be acquired globally!

Take this for example! Remote construction is a booming industry that has grown from USD 853.2 million in 2022 to nearly USD 974 million in 2023. According to the market analysis, this trend will continue and accelerate at a rate of 14.2% per year until 2033. By then, the market value of remote construction could reach (or even exceed) USD 3.7 billion.

#2 Modular Designs

Imagine a construction company that cares about the planet and uses cutting-edge technologies to create modular buildings. That’s exactly what Modulex Modular Buildings Plc is trying to do! They use artificial intelligence and IoT to design and build eco-friendly structures that can be assembled on-site.

More and more builders are choosing modular construction as a smart and sustainable way of creating structures. Modular buildings are manufactured offsite and then put together on-site

This method saves time, reduces environmental impact, and enhances design quality. Modular buildings also generate less waste and builders can recycle (and reuse) materials. Plus, the buildings can be modernized/moved easily, cutting on resources required for new projects. Experts predict modular construction is around $200 billion in 2023 and will clock a steady growth of 7.4% from 2023 to 2033.

#3 3D Printing

Do you know Aiman Hussein? 

Maybe not, but chances are high that you have seen one of his videos of 3D concrete printers building homes! Meet the growing cult of 3D printing entrepreneurs, which Aiman, the director of printing at US-based startup Alquist 3D, proudly represents. He has clocked over 60K followers and tens of millions of views on his TikTok videos that show 3D concrete printers constructing houses.

Building a 2,000-square-foot home usually takes months. This does not even count the time for designing the plans or installing the windows, power lines, and other finishing touches. But, there is a new and faster way of constructing houses that is emerging: 3D printing. 

The first step to creating a 3D-printed home is the same as any building project: the blueprint. But instead of having construction workers follow the plan on the ground, a bigger 3D printer is used. It is a digital drawing to make a physical structure based on the scale decided by the engineers.

The printer has all the details it needs, such as dimensions and details of the load-bearing capacity of a particular wall (and the materials/thickness required for it). The printing process involves stacking distinct construction materials in layers. However, the process is complex. The printing mix must have certain properties like - faster preliminary setting, pumpable output, ease of constructing layers-on-layers without deformation (buildability), etc.

Nevertheless, 3D Printing is taking the construction industry by storm. According to Grand View Research, the number of 3D printers delivered worldwide in 2021 was 2.2 million and it is projected to reach 21.5 million units by 2030.

#4 Green Tech & Sustainable Construction

The climate crisis is hitting cities and urban areas hard as they struggle to accommodate the growing population and the demand for housing. The construction industry must pivot fast and build with greener methods, or else a global catastrophe is impending!

One of the emerging concepts is net-zero, which is a way of designing and building structures that can generate their own power from renewable sources of energy and disconnect from the regular electricity grid. The Zero in this concept means that the buildings do not use any net energy per year and do not emit any carbon. The renewable sources of energy that are used in the net-zero concept are solar and wind energy.

As the cost of solar cells continues to plunge, more governments are expected to enforce their installation on public and private infrastructure. This also calls for a massive deployment of solar rooftop mapping experts to aid the process.

Cities like London, Los Angeles,  Las Vegas, Paris, and Zurich have already taken the lead when it comes to investments in green construction technology designed to decarbonize the built world. This trend is only about to pick up as the decade progresses.

#5 Invasion of Data Wizards to Optimize A-Z of Construction

The construction industry is adopting a new way of using data-driven insights to improve their processes, forecast their costs, and overcome challenges. By deploying data wizards, businesses can make smarter decisions that enhance their efficiency and reduce their risks, paving the way for better margins.

Businesses are embracing the future with advanced insights that boost their project management and decision-making capabilities. With real-time data from various sources, construction projects can finish faster. By combining ERP and project management into a unified platform, construction businesses will be sharper than ever to compete for profitable projects, implement marketing strategies, and boost sales.

  • The first step is to gather and process construction data from different systems and tools, including paper-based ones. This is done by hand at first and then by machine as the data quality improves.
  • The next step is to use a database platform to organize, analyze, and match the data from different sources to make it consistent.
  • The final step is to use a dashboard visualization tool to show the data in a clear and uniform way, with the right level of detail for the audience. The dashboard makes it easy and efficient to report on key performance indicators at various levels of customization.

A Synopsis of Construction Industry & Macroeconomic Headwinds

Some of the main headwinds that the industry is facing are:

  1. As discussed above, the construction industry is facing a chronic shortage of skilled workers, limiting its capacity and productivity. The labor gap is caused by several factors- an aging workforce, low retention rates, lack of training, and immigration restrictions. The industry needs to attract and retain more talent to meet its current and future requirements.
  2. The global economy is still exposed to shocks and uncertainties, geopolitical conflicts, and policy changes. A slowdown in economic activity could reduce the demand for construction projects and affect profitability.
  3. The construction industry is experiencing rising costs of materials, labor, and transportation due to supply chain disruptions, and inflationary pressures. These cost pressures could squeeze the margins of contractors and developers and make some projects.

These headwinds pose significant threats to the growth and competitiveness of the construction industry. However, they also create opportunities for innovation and differentiation for those who can adapt and pivot to the changing market conditions.

How Flowz Is Propelling The Construction Industry Ambitions?

The construction industry is under increasing pressure to reduce its environmental impact and contribute to the global goals of mitigating climate change and enhancing social well-being. This calls for uncanny tech roles in the construction sector that can be offshored. Flowz is proud to partner with the construction industry by providing niche professionals in a hassle-free way.

With the right virtual staffing, rapid recruitment process, weekly performance reports, and 100% data fortification, the construction industry can leverage our expertise to roll out projects in a whisker!

Architectural Services

Engineering Services


From planning to designing to construction, technology has been spreading its benefits in all the sub-segments of construction. The future of construction lies with techs such as AI, BIM, and VR. These will oversee the complete construction project while advising on risk management, schedule adherence, structural integrity, and much more. 

The construction industry is yet to witness a significant disruption - something like e-commerce vis-a-vis retail or Fintech vis-a-vis banking & finance. Nevertheless, it is at the cusp of innovative disruptions.

Transforming Project Efficiency: Leveraging the Power of Outsourced Engineering Service

Outsourcing is revolutionizing the work culture around the globe. Companies are slowly opening up and becoming more dependent on outsourcing agencies to provide them with capable individuals. According to research, the current global outsourcing market is expected to reach USD 280.6 billion in 2023.

However, most business owners are still unaware of the full potential of outsourcing. Did you know that you can also outsource engineering services apart from IT, administration, finance, and other favored industries? 

The blog below contains an in-depth guide on what outsourcing engineering services mean and how outsourced engineering services benefit your company.

What are Outsourced Engineering Services?

As the name suggests, outsourced engineering services refer to hiring an external employee to complete specific engineering tasks or functions. It works like any other outsourced service. Due to the complexity of the industry and high costs, companies are looking for alternative ways to get their job done at the lowest possible prices. Hiring full-time employees is not a feasible option as it only ends up costing them a lot more.

That's why business owners prefer outsourcing, as it is reliable and helps boost their company's productivity without burning a hole in their pocket.

This trend shows the continued growth of ESO and the internal decisions made by several companies to choose outsourcing engineering services.

Exploring Outsourced Engineering Services: An Overview

Okay, now you must be wondering what type of tasks or functions you can outsource. Well, most engineering virtual assistants are well-versed enough to handle any kind of task you assign them. However, to give you an idea, here are a few examples of outsourced engineering services.

1. Conversion Services

An outsourced engineering virtual assistant can help you take care of all the conversion tasks like 2-D to 3-D, Point Cloud to BIM, PDF to CAD, and much more. Conversions require 100% accuracy for the success of the project. One needs to be an expert at it. Luckily, our virtual assistants are subject matter experts with the software proficiency to handle such tasks. Our VAs also give you a detailed terrain report and detect potential risks in your project. 


2. Stimulation Services 

Certified engineering VAs can perform stimulation services that play a critical role in manifesting the project. Using high-tech specialized software, they can bring life to the projects by visually stimulating them. It helps the architects, engineers, and designers involved to visualize the project and collaborate efficiently. 4 BIM construction, mechanical/HVAC BIM, and Plumbing BIM are a few examples of such services.


3. Design and Drafting

Are the cogs of your creativity wheel stuck? Why not oil it with the creative juices of our virtual assistants? 2D, 3D, Solar Rooftop, and Sketchup Modeling are some popular outsourced engineering services. Our VAs have years of training in using computer-aided design (CAD) software and its various types available in the market. They provide you with models or drawings of product design, mechanical components, architectural plans, etc., in either 2D or 3D.

4. Compliance 

Adhering to regulations and compliance procedures is mandatory while working on any project. Compliance is regularly outsourced engineering service as business owners want to reduce time and cost by relocating their resources elsewhere. Our VAs are subject matter experts and up-to-date with the latest environmental regulations, product concepts, and more. 


5. Cost Estimation & Takeoffs  

Another vital outsourced engineering service is cost estimation. It is conducive and wise to plan out the cost distribution before you start the project. Not only does this go hand in hand with drafting designs of the project prior, but it also will help you fit the project within your budget. Additionally, you will be able to avoid any overruns and delays in the future. From renovation takeoffs to BIm estimates, our virtual assistants can handle it all. 


6. Documentation 

Outsource engineering services to virtual assistants to ensure you're not wasting time on back-end processes. VAs can quickly create any technical documentation required for the project. It includes engineering reports, user manuals, assembly introductions, etc. They ensure the information is easy to comprehend and presented concisely.

Benefits of Outsourcing Engineering Services to a VA

Now that you have an idea of outsourced engineering services, here is a list of benefits that will give you a picture of why you should choose outsourced engineering firms for your business. 

1. Cost-Friendly 

The number one benefit of outsourced engineering service is that it will always be cheaper than hiring someone in-house to do the same task. Virtual assistants don't require infrastructure requirements, quote high prices, or require employee benefits. VAs can help firms save up to 78% on operational costs compared to a full-time hire. Reliable outsourcing agencies like Flowz is a prominent destination for a plethora of businesses to outsource their operations. 


Also Read: Virtual Assistant Cost: 4 Crucial Factors to Keep in Mind


2. Free Access to Powerful Tools

Advanced technology doesn't come cheap. Especially in an industry like engineering, you will need access to numerous tools and software for project execution. One big advantage companies can benefit from while outsourcing is gaining free access to state-of-the-art technological tools and software. Thus, outsourced engineering services boost the overall integrity of the project.


3. Scalability and Flexibility 

Outsourcing Firms like Flowz provides clients with 24/7 availability. Our VAs are present worldwide, so they are flexible to work in any time zone and your preference. Another bonus is that VA services are on an as-need basis. It means that you can hire more VAs when the load of the outsourced engineering task is more and then scale up or down based on the current requirement. It maintains the overall efficiency of your company.


4. Expert Help

Any VA hired from a reputable firm will be a subject matter expert in that particular industry. With years of experience, training, and knowledge under their belt, Flowz's VA gives you access to a broader range of engineering skill-set. Outsourced engineering services allow companies to leverage specialized skills without any constraints or limitations.

Similar to any other industry, the landscape of outsourced engineering services is constantly evolving. A new market or opportunity is created with new innovations and developments that impact the industry. Based on the current information and trends, here's what you can expect the future of outsourced engineering services to look like. 

1. Growth in Outsourcing Designing

Outsourced engineering services in the design sector are expected to grow at a CAGR of 27%. With the functions and designs getting further complicated, it is predicted that they will be a greater need to outsource design work at relatively low prices. 


2. Automation and AIs

As part of the cutting-edge solutions provided to clients, there will be significant developments in technology- specifically AIs and automation. Core outsourced engineering services will now include possible technological upgrades capable of predicting & preceding problems and helping with maintenance.


3. Sustainable Solutions 

Needless to say the earth's drastic climate change is changing how we work. In order to reduce carbon footprint and other environmental damages, there will be considerable growth in the market of green engineering solutions. Solar 3D planning and similar outsourced engineering services will see a significant hike in terms of demand and staffing.


4. Cybersecurity 

With the rate at which digitalization is taking over the world, it is hard to keep up with cybersecurity to maintain the same. Taking preventive measures to safeguard sensitive data, access codes, design software, etc., has become an absolute priority for business owners. They have started investing in cybersecurity and outsourced engineering services to secure their data. 


As the demand for outsourced engineering services increases, companies look at 360-degree firms that can handle all their needs. Flowz has more than two decades of experience in the outsourcing business and has helped 4,400 clients achieve their goals by providing them with expert virtual assistants. It goes without saying that we are the number #1 trusted firm for outsourced engineering and other remote services. 

It is because we understand and interpret our client's requirements and provide them with nothing else than the highest quality work. Embracing virtual assistant engineering services is guaranteed to contribute to the success of your project and optimize your workflow. Improve your bottom line and accelerate your project's timeline by simply giving Flowz a call.

Outsourcing 3D Printing: Is It The Best Bet For Your Business?

3D printing has gained ground quickly, given the advantages such as cost savings, and enhanced product-design possibilities. 72% of companies have already embraced the technology, and 52% of organizations believe 3D printing will improve significantly over the next five years.

Often businesses remain in dilemma whether to set up an in-house 3D printing or outsource to 3D printing service providers. 

This blog post explores the nuances of 3D printing and breaks the impasse for businesses in making a decision. 

3 Major 3D Printing Trends to Look for in 2023

The year 2022 was challenging owing to ongoing supply chain issues, the Ukraine crisis, and the rise in energy and raw material costs. It made businesses realize how important it is not to depend on a complex supply chain and made it obvious how 3D printing can be a savior. 

Hospitals and medical personnel benefited greatly from 3D printing throughout the pandemic. The technology aided in accelerating the production of face shields or intricate ventilator parts.

So what is in the store for 3D printing in 2023? How is it going to revolutionize industries? Here are the three 3D printing trends that may influence the market through 2023 and beyond.

Growing 3D Printing Technology Maturity

3D printing enables customized products and reduces manufacturing costs and process downtime. These factors indicate that the market will become more mature in 2023. 3D printing applications are evolving beyond prototyping to functional part manufacturing in various industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, automotive, medical, aerospace, and consumer goods.

When supply chain disruptions occur, 3D printing technology enables the rapid availability of much-needed parts. Also, additive manufacturing is an optimal solution for production ramp-up. Outsourcing 3D printing allows the easy shift from one material and technology to another by reducing the risk and cost of implementing its infrastructure.

The Upsurge of Digital Supply Chain

3D printing drives streamlined processes for greater efficiency and cost reduction. Digital warehousing platforms will enable companies to manage their parts more efficiently throughout their lifecycle. Companies can eliminate warehousing and maintain an integrated or connected ordering system. 

In 2023 we can witness a digital supply chain that uses additive manufacturing technologies, leading to transparency, sustainability, flexibility, and efficiency.

Upgrades in the 3D Printing Sector

There are two types of 3D printing users: experts that are committed to the technology and want their printers to operate more reliably and effectively.  The second category of users are exploratory, who can appreciate the advantages of 3D printing but require assistance in putting it into practice and challenging the status quo in their respective industries.

Now it has become an obligation for businesses to train and upskill their staff to leverage the power of 3D printing for business growth. For this, organizations need to spend time and money training new employees, so outsourcing 3D printing makes sense.

The Enormous Benefits of Outsourcing 3D Printing

3D printing offers many benefits, including quicker prototyping, enhanced product quality, and more. However, only businesses with the right 3D design and modeling skills can benefit from these advantages. 

1. Prompt Prototypes Creation

A crucial part of manufacturing firms is creating prototypes, which requires resources, time, and effort. 3D printing enables companies to manufacture prototypes in less time while saving money. 

2. Optimum-Quality Products

Businesses can use 3D printing to create high-quality products at a lower cost. The computer-controlled 3D printer creates a replica of the original product or prototype, guaranteeing unmatched quality.

3. No Equipment Handling Hassles

Businesses can avoid the headache of maintaining manufacturing facilities by outsourcing 3D printing. They can conserve space, reduce operating and maintenance expenses, and expedite production without any equipment. Additionally, as 3D printers are more adaptable, there is less worry about interruptions that can halt the manufacturing process.

4. Low Manpower

Outsourcing 3D printing isn’t as labor-intensive as traditional manufacturing. It has advanced 3D solutions that are fully computer-driven and come with robust technology. Considering that outsourced 3D designers are often highly skilled and can handle more work, the number of people required is also fewer. Virtual 3D designers use advanced tools to optimize operations and deliver optimum results.

Why 3D Printing Is Better Outsourced Than Done In-House

Interesting Read: The Emerging Trends That Will Redefine Logistics Outsourcing in 2023

Businesses shouldn't attempt to make everything in-house. Even the largest Fortune 500 companies outsource 3D printing projects despite having resources at their disposal.

Here are the four reasons why 3D printing is better outsourced than in-house.


Every firm faces resource shortages, which can cause impediments in the business processes. Businesses that outsource 3D printing might use more capacity. A reliable outsourcing supplier optimizes printing outcomes and eliminates production delays using powerful 3D printers with the best build capacity.

On the other hand, to install 3D printers, manufacturers or service providers need to make considerable facility changes. Some 3D printers are too big to enter through regular doorways, some demand sophisticated power requirements, and others need ventilation. These changes are expensive, and in some cases, they might not even be achievable at the in-house facility.


3D printing is ever-changing. New tools, materials, and processes are pushing the bounds of what is conceivable. Keeping up with evolution can be an expensive endeavor for the in-house team. Also, many businesses cannot afford to invest in new 3D technologies because of their high upfront costs and the rapid speed of innovation, which could render them obsolete in a few years. 

With outsourcing, businesses can access cutting-edge technology without investing in them. In addition, not having the right machinery, such as an SLA machine, for a specific technical project pushes businesses towards outsourcing 3D printing services. 


The 3D printing sector is novel and creates materials in unique ways that traditional manufacturing cannot match. However, 3D printing requires skill to work well. Changes to the equipment, build orientation, material mix, and support material alters the results. For this, businesses need knowledge and understanding to use the equipment. 

When firms outsource their 3D design requirements, they get access to highly qualified, skilled, and experienced staff. Outsourcing brings a high level of expertise, not just the services.


High-end 3D printers can be pricey to buy. In addition to the expense of the machines, businesses also need the infrastructure, skilled labor, and raw materials to run them. With technology and tools, companies still need staff to run the process. Even if a firm has the right equipment, outsourcing a project could be less expensive than in-house.

Top 3D Printing Challenges

There are many advantages of 3D printing, including effectiveness, speed, waste reduction, zero errors, and lower costs. If you are still debating whether to outsource 3D printing or build it in-house, then knowing the challenges of 3D printing can help you decide which path to take.

Employing a 3D printer for the internal production of large parts pose several challenges for businesses to overcome, including:

Common Challenges in 3D Printing

A study reveals 25% of businesses cited equipment prices as the biggest obstacle to 3D printing. That response shouldn't be a surprise because most firms require more than one 3D printer to manage the volume of orders they receive, and saving up for the initial outlay can take some time.

Another expense related to additive manufacturing is the cost of production and processing. Although 3D printers are autonomous, firms still need a professional to send the digital file to the printer, check the printer setup, and start the printing process. 

Technical Challenges in 3D Printing

3D printers are vulnerable to errors producing components that can't adhere to strict tolerance standards. This problem poses a hurdle for the use of additive manufacturing in fields that demand exceptionally high levels of accuracy, like the aerospace or automobile industries.

How to Overcome 3D Printing Challenges

Are you unsure how to integrate 3D printing into your firm, having trouble designing, or are overwhelmed with the cost or technical challenges of owning your 3D printers? It is best to outsource 3D printing to a trustworthy outsourcing partner. One of the biggest obstacles to 3D printing is upfront equipment expenditures, uneven outcomes, and a lack of understanding of the technology. An experienced 3D printing partner may assist you in overcoming many of these challenges. 


The debate over employing an internal or external 3D printing service ends. No matter what stage an organization is at, outsourcing can assist a business in achieving its 3D printing objectives without going over budget.

To maximize your marketing budget, consider outsourcing your 3D printing to Flowz's experts, with over 23 years of experience. Your brand's growth is what we strive for.

The Emerging Trends That Will Redefine Logistics Outsourcing in 2023


Disruptive forces are continuously at play, transforming how industries embrace technology, conduct businesses, and evolve with time. The last few years have been particularly difficult for the logistics sector as market trends have had a significant impact. From large-scale supply chain interruptions brought on by Covid-19 to the infamous Ever Given saga, the shipping and logistics industry has seen it all. Nevertheless, the logistics industry has to keep moving forward since it is the backbone of the global economy. The industry leaders are preparing to usher in a new era of logistics outsourcing, with technologies, new practices, and evolving regulations showing the way.

Here are the top 6 shipping and logistics industry trends disrupting the sector.

#1 Skills Gap and Logistics Outsourcing

New technology has transformed the way supply chains operate, and it has blurred the distinction between white and blue-collar jobs. Now, supply chain leaders are looking for new collar employees, candidates who bring the right mix of technical and physical skills to succeed in a digitally transforming logistics environment.

The shortage of such candidates has created a skills gap. Couple that with the ongoing labor shortage and it adds up to 2.1 million critical jobs by 2030 (if not more). To address that, employers in the shipping and logistics industry are scrambling for new avenues of recruitment and talent acquisition. 

A smart strategy is to collaborate with virtual staffing companies that employ the best remote new-collar employees all set to sync in with logistics organizations. From logistics coordinators to data entry specialists to order management experts, a virtual staffing company makes hiring a cakewalk!

#2 Cloud-based Systems and Integrations

Cloud services in logistics are applications that help manage and optimize various aspects of the supply chain, such as transportation, inventory, and warehousing. 

It can provide real-time visibility of goods movement, inventory levels, and order status across the supply chain network. This enables logistics managers to monitor and control their operations more effectively and efficiently. For example, UPS uses Google Cloud's smart analytics to save $400 million a year by optimizing routes, reducing fuel consumption, and improving customer service.

Moreover, cloud services can dramatically improve collaboration and integration with freight partners, carriers, customers, and suppliers through cloud-based platforms and APIs. Oracle, for example, has already demonstrated capacity enhancement with Uber Freight by connecting shippers with carriers on demand.

Cloud services in logistics have proven to deliver significant value for supply chain management. According to a report by DFreight, cloud computing can save up to 40% of logistics costs and increase revenue by 25%. 

All of these benefits will drive wider cloud adaptation in the logistics industry in 2023.

#3 Real-time Analytics and Tracking

Supply chain processes face many challenges, such as fluctuating demands, changing routes, major disruptions, and compliance issues. Therefore, they need to be monitored and optimized continuously. 

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an emerging technology to decode big data in supply chains since RFID tags are used throughout the supply chain process. This includes scanning through raw materials, transporting/relocating goods, and warehouse management, with accuracy and speed. Real-time analytics utilizes this live information to provide insights, leading to improved decision-making.

To improve delivery procedures, more and more shipping businesses are collaborating with data scientists. They can leverage key information to gain a clear understanding of important influencing elements like traffic, weather, etc, to further optimize delivery systems and provide precise arrival times to warehouses and customers.

#4 Environmental Sustainability

The logistics and shipping industry accounts for over 80% of world trade and more than one billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year. 

Well, that is roughly equivalent to the emissions of the top five emitting countries combined. Yes, you read that right! 

The industry also emits other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, which have a higher global warming potential than CO2.

Reducing Scope 3 emissions has been a key part of corporate ESG goals for a long time. 

In 2023, this will likely become more important as regulators and other stakeholders will probably require more action and transparency on this issue. Global banking institutions, private equity, and venture capitalists are increasingly aligning their portfolios with sustainable organizations.

One way to get around this is that transportation and logistics operations transform their modus operandi and adopt greener solutions. The use of parcel collection-point networks, which reduce the distance between consumers, is one of the burgeoning strategies being used by logistics companies to reduce carbon emissions.

#5 Automation & Predictive Analytics

Automation and predictive analytics are emerging techs that are radically transforming the logistics and shipping industry. They enable the industry to optimize its operations, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance sustainability. 

Automation can increase efficiency, accuracy, safety, and productivity while minimizing human errors, labor costs, and resource wastage. For instance, Amazon has already started robots to move goods around its warehouses and drones to deliver packages to customers.

On the other hand, predictive analytics can help the logistics industry use data and artificial intelligence to predict demand and supply shocks, plan routes, monitor performance and quality, and minimize risks and disruptions. For instance, UPS has demonstrated the fact that predictive analytics can optimize its delivery routes while saving fuel and time.

Burgeoning Challenges for the Logistics Industry - How to Mitigate Them?

1. Increasing Implementation of Blockchain - Should You Join The Bandwagon?

Blockchain technology is a game-changer for logistics, as it offers secure and efficient management of supply chain operations. Blockchain solutions can provide complete transparency, prevent fraud, enhance the safety of products, simplify verification processes, minimize paperwork, and enable real-time traceability.

Imagine letting the customers know where their organic food was cultivated. Or, what if you can trace the source of affected products and choosing not to order them next time? These are small examples of what blockchain technology can do for the logistics sector. 

Verifiable credentials, for instance, are a modern method of safely storing and disseminating product and confidential business information. These are digital certificates that utilize blockchain technology and encryption to make them instantaneously verifiable and fraud-proof.

2. Cybersecurity and Data Breaches

2023 will witness cyber criminals increasingly using sophisticated tricks to infiltrate supply chains to damage/steal from businesses. Traditional supply chains are typically vulnerable to cyber threats. New-age cyber criminals can also hack through basic warehouse gear such as barcode readers or IoT (Internet of Things) devices. 

This can disrupt the flow of goods, compromise data integrity, and expose sensitive information. According to a report by BCG, cyber attacks used to occur every few years in the transportation and logistics sector, but now there seem to be one or two each month.

In recent years, major cyber risks have plagued the sector including ransomware, sensor & industrial technology, and phishing. The cost of cyber attacks can be significant, not only in terms of ransom payments and business losses but also in terms of reputation damage and customer trust. 

For the unversed, a cyber attack in May 2021 triggered a week-long shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, which supplies gasoline to almost half of the east coast of the United States.

To mitigate this, the stakeholders of the industry must conduct a cyber assessment for all functions/activities within the supply chain using IoT devices (especially those with direct access to sensitive information and wider systems). 

Another important aspect is to train employees on the risks of opening dubious emails or clicking unfamiliar URLs, links, or attachments since they will shape the future of global logistics. Criminals often imitate email addresses, and invoices, while using text messaging to get access to sensitive information. Logistics personnel must be alert to such nefarious attempts.

3. Embracing Creative Solutions with a Freight Forwarder

Freight forwarding is going digital. Imagine a future where advanced analytics, digital front ends, and robotics work in tandem with integrated back-end operations. Sounds exciting, right? But not everyone is ready for this change. How fast and how well the logistics industry embraces these technologies will depend on how much they understand the potential of streamlining and simplifying operations.

As per Allied Market Research on global logistics trends, the digital freight forward market will grow from $2.92 billion in 2020 to $22.9 billion in 2030, growing at a staggering pace of 23% per annum, with 2023 being a crucial year for innovation.

In another survey by McKinsey, it was found that 90% of supply chain leaders have invested in digital tech for advanced planning, and 80% will continue to do so in 2023 and beyond. GPS tracking and real-time data are becoming the norm in logistics to ensure that shipments are delivered within the stipulated time frame.

To ride this wave, industry leaders need to be agile, flexible, and visible – and digitalization can help them achieve that. They should not ignore this opportunity with freight forwarders.

4. Reducing Emissions by Adopting Greener Technologies

To reduce their environmental impact, logistics companies need to adopt greener technologies that can make their operations more efficient, economical, and eco-friendly. Some of the green technologies trends that are transforming the logistics industry are:

  1. Voyage optimization, which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to plan the best routes and speeds for ships based on weather and maritime conditions
  2. Cargo delivery drones, can deliver packages faster and cheaper than traditional vehicles, while avoiding traffic congestion and emissions.
  3. Green cold chain, which uses renewable energy sources and smart sensors to power and monitor refrigerated containers.
  4. Electric cargo vehicles are ideal for urban deliveries, as they are emission-free, agile, and cost-effective.

By implementing these green technologies, logistics companies can not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also improve their customer satisfaction, profitability, and competitiveness.

5. Efficiently Handling Returns in Logistics

With surging e-commerce activities in the post-pandemic era, the volume of returned products has witnessed explosive growth. This is driving demand for efficient and cost-effective reverse logistics solutions that seamlessly handle returned goods.

However, this can pose a challenge for the logistics industry. According to a Salescycle report, 30% of shoppers consciously over-purchase and then return items. Retail giants like Amazon monitor accounts reaching concession limits and could reject returns on orders from habitual returners, but smaller retailers may not have the advanced systems in place to do the same.

The shipping and logistics industry has started to factor in such returns and invest in return logistics solutions and it is going to be a major trend in 2023 and beyond.

6. Russia-Ukraine War & Other Geopolitical Tensions

The war in Ukraine between Russia and its Western-backed opponents has created a major disruption in global trade and international supply chains. One unlikely victim is the logistics sector, disrupting the movement of goods and materials across borders as well as logistics outsourcing. The unwanted conflict has spiked freight charges and led to container shortages.

Similarly, the ongoing geopolitical tension between China and the United States is snowballing into trade policy changes and tighter regulations, (such as tariffs, sanctions, and embargoes). This can disrupt the logistics industry since they are the largest economies. 

As importers observe and adapt, they are quickly learning that transacting from a single source is a lethal mistake in the long term. For example, during the Los Angeles Longshoreman strike (2012), many importers switched from the Port of Los Angeles to multiple East Coast ports to avoid detention fees (running into thousands of dollars). Similarly, as the United States decouples from China, the entire supply chain can transform with the incorporation of smaller countries. 

The only problem? 

Most of the supply chain infrastructure is still dominated by the US, China, and a handful of other developed economies. 

Take this for example. The bulk shipping market expanded at a meager CAGR of just 1.3% between 2015-2020. The growth rates will hover around 0.8% until 2030, with declining Chinese demand for coal and iron ore being the prime factor.

Many companies in the global logistics industry are opting to hire third-party logistics (3PL) providers to handle their logistics functions. This reflects a surging trend in the logistics outsourcing demand.

According to Research And Markets, it is expected to grow at a 4.77% CAGR from 2021 to 2027. This report on the logistics outsourcing market examines the performance of the major regions such as North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Wrapping Up

Any multinational business' success depends heavily on logistics and how competent they are with logistics outsourcing. Despite challenges, the logistics industry has enormous growth potential for 2023 and beyond. With AI, IoT, blockchains, and other advance solutions dominating the shipping and logistics trends, the industry is on the cusp of ushering in a new era. Looking ahead, it is clear that blending with these emerging tech trends will help logistics businesses stay ahead of the curve top.

Delegate Your Healthcare Back Office to a Virtual Medical Assistant

Dealing with time-consuming administrative duties frequently causes burnout in healthcare professionals. While occupied with administrative tasks, healthcare professionals look for methods to make the most of their time so they can care for patients.

Hiring a full-time medical assistant is expensive. To this end, virtual medical assistants are a more productive and cost-effective alternative to a full-time medical assistant. 

Thankfully, physicians can outsource some of their work to virtual healthcare assistants (VAs) at a reasonable cost. 

A virtual medical assistant can help healthcare professionals manage non-clinical parts of healthcare.

What is a Virtual Medical Assistant?

A Virtual Medical Assistant (VMA) remotely performs patient-facing and backend tasks. They handle scheduling, correspondence, and document management. Additionally, they have expertise working in a medical office and are well-versed in the healthcare industry. 

A virtual assistant can be a priceless asset to any healthcare practice if they possess the right skills and credentials. Businesses need a reliable virtual medical assistant provider like Flowz who can fulfill their clinic and practice needs.

What Does a Virtual Medical Assistant Do?

A medical virtual assistant performs many tasks such as:

Administrative Tasks

The needs of the patients come first for healthcare workers. To this extent, virtual medical assistants oversee scheduling, cancellations, and plans for healthcare practice. Additionally, they educate patients and address any complaints through follow-up. Thus virtual medical assistant acts as the first point of contact for patients and can assist with the following administrative duties:

  • New patient referrals and admissions.
  • Appointment registrations that include all scheduling activities, cancellations and patient recalls..
  • Managing your schedule like patient visits. meetings and events.
  • Creating a database subdirectory structure.
  • Management of supplies that entails keeping an eye on and assessing the inventory at your workplace and, as required, placing orders for fresh goods.
  • Medical billing and classification.
  • Check-ins and follow-ups with patients.
  • Medication refills.
  • Email inbox management.
  • Document conversion from paper to digital.

Medical Transcription

Virtual medical assistants are skilled in data entry for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records. (EHR). Using secure video conferencing software, you can have your virtual assistant take notes during meetings, or you can give them specific directions to type the notes up later. 

Front Desk

A virtual medical assistant can run your front office like a traditional receptionist, taking calls, transferring critical calls, relaying messages promptly, screening spam calls, and responding to texts, emails, and live chats. 

Insurance Tasks

Virtual medical assistants handle all correspondence with the patient's insurance providers. They facilitate submitting claims. They also confirm the patient's status before pre-authorizing any treatments.


A virtual medical assistant can aid healthcare professionals with payroll management, bill payment, and invoice distribution. For healthcare workers to review and forecast cash flow, they also generate financial reports.


Without marketing, healthcare professionals struggle to grow their patient base and practices. A virtual assistant in the healthcare industry can manage your social media pages, keep your website updated and user-friendly, and respond to customer feedback. A VA can set up campaigns to aggressively seek out new patients by focusing on people in your neighborhood.

Benefits of Having a Virtual Assistant for Doctors

A study found that healthcare employees spend 3.17 hours every day, or around half of their workday time, on a desktop, typing progress notes into an electronic health record.

Because of this process, they miss nonverbal cues during examinations. Fortunately, using a virtual medical assistant makes it easy to avoid this situation. Here are six benefits to think about:

1. Enhances Doctor-Patient Relationship

Healthcare professionals can quickly and easily schedule patient follow-ups and personal calls for extra medical advice using a virtual assistant. The medical personnel can concentrate on each patient individually while the virtual assistant handles the supporting tasks.

In crowded waiting areas, patients feel anxious. VAs can help doctors schedule private consultations for patients who require them without requiring them to visit the clinic. That leads to a stronger doctor-patient relationship.

2. Saves Time

Doctors frequently find themselves unable to give each patient their undivided attention. Thus there comes a dire need to hire a virtual medical assistant to get assistance with daily tasks.

Virtual assistants can aid healthcare professionals in making up for lost time in their day. A virtual medical assistant collects patient information by asking standard questions and then sends it for analysis.

They check on the patients and give them medication reminders. Spending too much time on monotonous, repetitive tasks will also negatively affect the core operations of your healthcare team. A virtual assistant can handle such tasks, allowing healthcare professionals to focus on high-priority tasks.

3. Cost-Effective

Since the pandemic, the hiring of virtual medical assistants has become rampant as doctors find it hard to finish their daily tasks. Physicians also experienced financial hardship, either directly or indirectly.

Healthcare professionals can hire virtual medical assistants without investing in physical space or office equipment like computers. A VA can save you a lot of money by working remotely. Furthermore, there is no need to cater additional benefits, such as health insurance and a pension, to a virtual assistant. 

As a result, you can do your work more quickly and effectively without spending more money. There are days when your clinic is quiet and times when it is overloaded with patients. 

In such situations, you don't need to hire a full-time employee and pay them a set salary and benefits regardless of the workload.

Virtual assistants receive compensation based on the project and the number of hours. So, depending on their requirements, healthcare professionals can work with a virtual assistant. By hiring virtual assistants, you can do away with fixed costs.

4. Increases Productivity

If you are a medical professional, you can not undermine the value of constant upskilling. A skilled virtual medical assistant allows you the flexibility to focus on your growth. Your virtual assistant can make time-saving and productivity-boosting recommendations you might not have been aware of. 

You can seek a virtual assistant’s help managing your email and updating your spreadsheets, among other things. Thus, you become more effective when you complete tasks like entering data, accepting calls, and communicating with vendors, patients, and payroll.

5. Access to Skilled Staff

Virtual medical assistants are skilled and independent contractors. They ensure assigned tasks are on time and reflect how you want them. As virtual medical assistants are paid per hour and only after work is complete, your VA is motivated to complete work precisely and on schedule.

Lack of accountability is a common issue among  full-time employees  wherein responsibility is passed from one person to the next. With your virtual assistant, this will seldom happen. Because they are keenly aware of how much their livelihood depends on the caliber of their work, VAs take greater responsibility for it. 

Additionally, they will consistently look for constructive criticism to grow.

Virtual medical assistants are skilled in many other areas, such as email management, account administration, bill paying, etc.

You can set your virtual assistant's schedules to suit your needs. 

Six Easy Steps for Hiring a Virtual Medical Assistant

Here are the six easy steps for hiring a virtual medical assistant:

1. Document the Tasks

Making a list of the tasks you want to assign to your virtual assistant is the first step in hiring one. Record the specific goals you want your virtual assistant to achieve as well. For this, create a company guide that outlines your business objectives, vision, mission, and work ethic. 

2. Create a JD

A detailed job description gives your virtual assistant a clear understanding of what you want from them. The typical components of this job description are:

  • An overview of your company's history
  • Requisite level of expertise and education
  • Obligations and responsibilities list
  • Weekly hours worked and their hourly rates
  • List of the software and/or applications you intend to use

3. Post your JD

Once you've completed outlining your job description, the following step is to post it online and start reviewing applications. You can submit your job description through many channels, such as job portals, freelance marketplaces, and virtual assistant agencies. Else you can opt for a reliable outsourcing partner, Flowz, to get access to the skilled virtual medical assistant at reasonable prices. 

4. Schedule Interviews

Following the posting of the job description and evaluation of the applications, you can schedule interviews with the top 5 to 10 candidates.  Ask about their goals, values, strengths, and time management style apart from their job history and skill set to get a general sense of who they are and whether you would get along with them.

5. Assign a Test Job

To narrow down your search and hire the ideal virtual assistant, assign a test assignment. The test job should include the tasks you wish your virtual assistant to fulfill once you onboard them. 


The roles and responsibilities of those in the healthcare sector are evolving alongside the industry. Medical virtual assistants are becoming more and more valuable to businesses and individual practitioners. If you are looking for skilled virtual medical assistants for support, Flowz can help.

Request a consultation now!

Should You Really Hire a Virtual Personal Assistant? Here’s Your Answer

With the growth of a company, its demands, and needs also grow. Therefore, keeping track of daily mundane tasks and expanding your business becomes difficult. There comes a considerable need for external support that you might not get from your in-house team. It is where virtual assistants come in. 

Thanks to the pandemic, their popularity has increased, and more businesses have realized the true impact of hiring a virtual personal assistant. Let’s look at what these virtual personal assistants can offer and if hiring them is worthwhile.

What Do You Mean By Virtual Assistants?

As the name suggests, a virtual assistant is a remote working employee that offers additional support to your business. Their goal is to free up your time so you can focus on crucial tasks like increasing the profitability of your business. 


A virtual assistant performs a myriad of valuable tasks, such as managing emails, handling administrative tasks, scheduling meetings, and more. They are well-versed with the latest tools and software that may help them work smart and offer quick turnarounds. A virtual assistant can help you improve productivity by 13%, making them a valuable asset for your company. 

What Are the Responsibilities of a Virtual Personal Assistant

Let’s say you want to hire a virtual personal assistant, but you don’t know how their services can be relevant to you. In a broad sense, a virtual personal assistant can carry out any back-end or admin task, remotely. Read below to understand a few basic tasks a personal assistant can help you with. 


1. Email Management

As a business owner, your inbox is often flooded with promotional messages, client queries, meeting requests, and whatnot. There's not enough time to skim through the spam and reply to each mail. A virtual personal assistant organizes your inbox, so you can quickly respond to the priority emails and ignore the spam. Furthermore, the assistant can reply directly to simple customer emails and carry out mundane communication tasks to free your time.


2. Social Media Management 

If your business has a social media presence, it's imperative to build on that to increase brand awareness. Virtual personal assistants help you strengthen your social media strategy through regular social media posts, responding to customer queries, and even running social media ads. 

3. Bookkeeping

Don't have the budget to hire a full-time accountant but need someone to carry out your basic bookkeeping tasks? Hire a part-time personal assistant to take care of such needs! Most virtual personal assistants can complete bookkeeping tasks such as entering data, reviewing inventory, reconciling bank accounts, maintaining financial records, approving invoices, etc.


Also read: 9 Practical Ways Virtual Accounting And Bookkeeping Can Improve Your Bottom Line


4. Travel Arrangements 

Constant traveling is part of growing your business, but it can get tricky and time-consuming if you take care of such arrangements yourself. Hire a personal assistant to complete such tasks while you focus on other essential things. From booking tickets to arranging a comfortable stay, a virtual assistant makes your life easier. 


5. Scheduling Appointments/ Meetings

As a busy entrepreneur, you do not have the time to keep track of your daily engagements and coordinate with other parties. Moreover, delegating this task to any of your employees will waste their productive time. A virtual personal assistant is a team player who will take care of back-end tasks to enhance your company's productivity. They will create e-invites, coordinate with clients and organize meetings/appointments at a suitable time for you.

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Personal Assistant

Hiring a virtual personal assistant has been a game-changer for several business owners. Essentially, they are the external support your business needs to complement what it lacks internally. Here are some compelling benefits that will convince you to hire a virtual personal assistant today.   


1. Work-Life Balance

The constant hustle of running a business can often blur the boundaries between work and personal space, making it challenging to balance both aspects of your life. Hiring a virtual personal assistant will lessen the workload, giving you more space to stay balanced and focused. According to the Harvard Business Review, learning how to delegate puts you one step closer to being a great leader. It enables you to spend time on other priorities like building your business and focusing on your personal life. 


2. Cost-Friendly 

Hiring a full-time employee is cheaper than hiring a virtual personal assistant. Full-time employees need high salaries and are entitled to employee benefits. At the same time, a virtual assistant doesn't require high-end benefits. Furthermore, your virtual personal assistant wouldn't need an office or other physical resources because everything would be done remotely. Thus, hiring a virtual personal assistant is not only beneficial but also affordable.


3. Expertise 

 Virtual personal assistants usually specialize in multiple domains due to the nature of their work. However full-time employees generally come with a special industry background. Thus, your versatile personal assistant can replace multiple in-house positions at a nominal rate. This is especially useful when you are cash-strapped or just starting up. Virtual personal assistants are a sure-shot way to get more done with minimal expense.


4. Time-friendly 

Hire a virtual personal assistant to work on time-consuming administrative tasks and decrease your workload. They specialize in several areas and can quickly adapt to your business requirements. As a business owner, it helps you quickly free up your time and focus on your core responsibilities. 

5. Flexibility 

You can hire virtual personal assistants from anywhere, so they are compatible with working in different time zones. You are not limited to your business hours to complete your workload. These hardworking virtual personal assistants are available according to your schedule and can complete the job within your deadline. 


6. Scalability 

Another attractive benefit of hiring a virtual personal assistant is that you can tailor their services according to your needs. As your business grows, you can scale the assistant's workload. Whether adding more tasks or decreasing them, the assistant will adapt to your needs accordingly. 


This flexibility makes it easy to manage your budget and ensures you only pay for the support you need when needed. Additionally, by scaling your virtual personal assistant's workload, you can ensure they can always provide high-quality support and that you are getting the best possible value for your investment.

The Drawbacks of Hiring a Virtual Personal Assistant

Here are some foreseen challenges you might have to face if you're hiring a virtual personal assistant.


1. Potential Miscommunication 

Working with a virtual personal assistant eliminates the possibility of face-to-face contact, which can result in miscommunication. Dealing with delicate or complex jobs that demand a high degree of knowledge and clarity can make it more difficult. These risks can be minimized by following clear communication guidelines and scheduling frequent check-ins.


2. Security Concerns 

Most business owners are worried about data breaches when they hire a virtual personal assistant. Sharing highly confidential information becomes difficult and interrupts the workflow. Putting data safety measures in place or outsourcing these assistants from a company that guarantees data protection is recommended.


3. Technological Problems 

Since all of their work is online virtual personal assistants must have reliable access to technology. Any technological problems will interfere with their daily communication and completion of tasks. These assistants must have some knowledge or training to troubleshoot simple tech issues to improve their workflow.


4. Building Relationships 

It can be challenging to connect and build a strong working relationship with a virtual personal assistant as they are not physically present at work. Moreover, they might feel alienated as they don't get a chance to socialize with other employees and participate in the company culture. Virtual social events and team-building activities can help you solve this issue.

The Solution to Your Pain Points

Now that you know the benefits and drawbacks of hiring a virtual personal assistant, you have a good idea about their potential. However, these drawbacks may hold you back from hiring them. What if we told you there's a way to hire a virtual personal assistant without any hassles? 


Flowz is an industry-leading company that helps businesses outsource required services. Our virtual personal assistants are heavily trained and have years of experience working in several industry verticals. We have legal checks in place to protect any sensitive client information that's shared. Moreover, our assistants are internally managed, so you don't have to go through hiring, managing, or training them.

To Conclude

It is fair to say that in today’s competitive landscape, virtual personal assistants have become indispensable. Many business owners have attested to the fact that hiring a virtual personal assistant has changed their life. Not only are they observing much more positive changes in their business, but they also have time to relax and focus on their personal lives. Based on the information presented above, it is highly recommended that you should hire a virtual personal assistant from Flowz.

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