Your 2023 Guide to Redefining Your Brand with an Online Graphic Designer

To create a winning content marketing strategy, the ‘design element’ plays a major role in attracting more readers. Thus it has become increasingly important for businesses to pay special attention to graphics design. When done correctly, graphic design may increase a company’s credibility, solidify customer connections, and spark interest in its goods or services.

Graphic design for brands is more than just creating a logo; it entails consolidating a brand’s identity in the minds of the target consumer.

5 Branding Trends to Follow to Build a Distinct Brand Identity

In the digital age, branding has become incredibly challenging. Today’s consumers look for brands that provide value. 

The biggest challenges for brand managers include finding the right message for the right audience and balancing customization with brand voice.

Therefore, brands should ensure their target market finds their logo and color scheme appealing. 

Companies should know current branding trends to draw in and retain customers. 

Logo Adaptability

For their visual identity, brands often stick with a few logo variations. They have style guides that outline the brand colors and tools to help create a consistent, recognized brand identity. Today, a growing pattern in logo design is adaptive logos – designs intended to go through multiple iterations. The idea is that variations are for different purposes. For this, brands need to create an adaptable brand logo like Apple. It is easy to use Apple’s logo to promote events because of its simplicity. 

Adaptive designs are easy to modify and apply in various formats, such as a billboard, an email footer, and an app symbol.

Brands can consider creating logos for different occasions to provide customers with visual variation and avoid monotony.

Retro - Relishing the Past

Today, designs from the past are resurrected with a contemporary twist. Retro design is a strategy that enables companies to interact with customers in a fun way that appeals to their emotions. 

This design establishes an immediate connection with clients by using historical allusions that they may easily recognize, such as a bold, wavy typeface from the 1970s or a cheerful color scheme from the 1990s.

Image Credit: Marketing Magazine Asia

Spotify’s throwback advertisements reviving the aesthetic of the 1980s and 1990s while tying it to present trends are examples of retro branding.

Overstimulated Branding - Captivate the Senses

Brands will use more powerful color schemes in 2023 for their branding and graphic design, from social media to newsletters.

Overstimulated branding uses eye-catching graphics and brilliant hues to grab attention and tickle the senses. This design usually employs garish hues, distorted fonts, and loud symbols or logos. Brands also use clashing and contrasting tones to create an impact. 

With its bright energy and happy colors, overstimulated branding captures the audience’s attention and makes them happy. It offers a gratifying experience.

Simple Maximalism - Bigger Impact

Brands don’t need to go overboard with creativity to stand out. It only takes a bold font, an eye-catching color scheme, and careful use of white space to make an impression.

Visually, in simple maximalism, brands stick to one or two hues and utilize bold, legible typography. They use what is required to convey the message, tone, and personality. 

In 2023, advertisers may choose simple elements to create a significant impact through their brand message. Brands can achieve clarity without compromising distinctiveness.

Simple maximalism uses a modern aesthetic that fits well with businesses that offer unique products or services. 

Mascots Galore - Humanizing Brand

In 2023, brands may leverage mascots more frequently in branding with prominent positioning. Instead of just being a fantastic visual element for a brand, these mascots add a distinct personality that relies on human attributes.

Using a mascot in an increasingly competitive environment is a great way to connect with customers in a fun way. People yearn for that emotional connection and a fun-loving experience that brightens their day.

Moreover, utilizing a mascot to give businesses some extra personality adds a new dimension of warmth and character that customers can identify with.

5 Ways to Get Better Results with Online Graphic Designer

Working with a virtual graphic designer can be a joy or a downright pain. Simply put, it relies on the graphic designer’s skill level and how well you get along with them.

Here are eight important things to keep in mind to make it easier to work with graphic designers.

Use Visual References

Working with a graphic designer can make you realize how challenging it may be to verbalize graphics. To this extent, it becomes difficult for brands to express their goals to designers. As a result, the designer is likely to make mistakes without a clear brief. For this, include visual elements in your brief. Using visual examples helps the designer understand the design process. The more visuals you employ, the better. Use good graphics as examples that will give an idea about the preferred typefaces, colors, and visuals for the designer.

Know Your Needs First

Businesses aware of their design goals can communicate with designers more effectively.Knowing your needs doesn’t mean that you dictate everything to the designer. The designer should have creative freedom to deliver bespoke designs. Understand the scope of the design project from the beginning. It will help the designer create better designs, making it easier to work with them. 

Graphic design is more than just an artistic endeavor; it also calls for strategic consideration. You must have a thorough understanding of your business with a clear understanding of the graphic design goals.

Create a Common Ground

Establish realistic deadlines for design projects. While dealing with deadlines, timetables, revisions, deliverables, and payments, look for areas of agreement about the creative components. You may prevent many problems by addressing these early on in your project rather than later.

These in-depth discussions are worth having even though neither party particularly loves them. Finding concrete solutions provides a more effective design process, where businesses don’t get caught up mid-argument over anything with the designers.

Give Feedback

Even the most seasoned designers err from time to time. Giving feedback to the designer will help the designer to understand the expectations and deliver great designs. 

Let’s imagine, for illustration, that the graphic designer designed the webpage, and the graphics are not good. The most effective strategy would be to state, “I don’t like it.” The graphic designer will have no trouble finding a quick solution.

Promote Efficiency

Even having the top designers on the team, poor management can hamper the performance. To maximize graphic designers’ productivity, ensure every designer understands the team’s shared goals. 

Business needs the right mix of diversity, leadership, and communication to work with remote graphic designers. Additionally, employing efficient conflict-resolution strategies inside the remote team fosters positive relationships among all members, directly impacting work efficiency.

5 Tools for Working with a Remote Graphic Designer

Also Read: Is a Remote Assistant Worth the Investment?

Here are the top design tools and virtual collaboration solutions for businesses working with remote graphic designers: 


Procreate, a digital illustration application, allows designers to create graphic designs. The software’s plethora of capabilities designed specifically for mobile art production enables users to realize their ideas. Using Procreate, designers can create and enhance drawings, photographs, and 3D artwork.

The tool helps create and design anything, from logos and banners to posters. The user-friendly and streamlined interface of Procreate makes it possible for designers to produce their work more quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, it offers multi-touch gestures for straightforward control.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud is a powerful designing tool in a graphic designer’s arsenal. Adobe Creative Cloud’s graphic design, web development, and video editing features let designers create and display their original works of art. Acrobat DC, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, and InDesign are the centerpiece tools in the suite.

Graphic designers use Adobe Illustrator to create captivating vector graphics and images. The tool offers many features, including word layout, animated lettering, individualized effects, and recoloring. 

Adobe Illustrator is a vector drawing and editing application that works with many kinds of media. Adobe Photoshop users have access to a wide range of tools for editing, from straightforward adjustments to intricate compositions.

Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is another powerful tool for graphic design experts for managing and storing documents. It comes with performance, scalability, security, and data accessibility. Utilizing Amazon S3, businesses benefit from unequaled compliance and audit features while managing and storing files and documents.

Amazon S3 has many helpful capabilities for data replication, access control management, data transfer, and versioning.

Remote graphic designers can rapidly share their work with clients using the application’s file-sharing feature. Many document management tools in Amazon S3 enable designers to arrange, enhance, and customize data access for their business needs.


Online graphic design teams often use Dropbox for file storage. They store documents, analyze and sync large files, and get quick client responses.

Dropbox provides robust file sharing, collaboration, and storage options that are ideal while working with a graphic designer online. It enables designers and creatives to collaborate in groups.

The application enables remote designers to examine files in full resolution, allowing users to send Photoshop, PostScript, SVG, Illustrator, and Sketch files to clients without compromising file quality.


With its user-friendly layout, Slack offers a simple communication route that can keep businesses connected. It is compatible with other software, including G Suite, Dropbox, Adobe Creative Cloud, and more. 

It offers screen sharing, file sharing, audio discussions, real-time chat, and a searchable archive. It’s the perfect tool for remote designers because they can effortlessly collaborate with businesses.

Businesses can organize communication channels by project, topic, or team. Slack also offers search features to find information when businesses need it. It also secures the privacy of the conversations and files.


For businesses looking to work closely with their remote graphic designers, InVision is a great platform. It makes building interactive prototypes and team collaboration easy. It also offers the ability to comment and receive feedback. When a company provides digital design mock-ups to the team, the tool makes it easy to receive feedback and iterate quickly. It offers strong templates to help designers get their creative juices flowing. 

It can be linked with Microsoft Teams and Zoom to enable real-time business collaboration.


Any effective brand design needs to create a solid reputation in the industry. The value of your brand sets your business apart from rivals.

A company’s name, logo, and marketing can affect how consumers perceive a brand.

Hiring the best designers by posting virtual graphic design jobs can be challenging. Flowz offers seasoned and skilled remote graphic designers, using which businesses can gain cutting-edge design solutions, decreased operating costs, and enhanced brand recognition.

Why Businesses Need a Remote Graphic Designer in 2023 & Beyond

User experience is at the forefront of the digital age. Graphic design today needs to go beyond the basics to influence a larger spectrum of experiences. Having a dedicated graphic designer ensures that the business has a cohesive look and a strong presence.

However, hiring the right graphic designers is becoming taxing as 54% of graphic designers leave their jobs frequently. As a result, businesses of all sizes now need remote graphic designers more than ever.

5 Graphic Design Trends That Will Dominate 2023 & Beyond

The post-pandemic chaos has expedited rapid changes in graphic design. Interesting videos disrupt sluggish streams. Web 3.0 developments showcase the modern user’s appetite for eye-catching visual experiences. Moreover, increasingly Internet-connected lives have made visuals matter more than ever.

So, what is in the store for graphic design? 

Expressive Typography

It should come as no surprise that words have evolved to become more pictorial in today’s visually focused world. In 2023, Expressive Typography will become the most essential part of graphic design. Designers use expressive typography to give each letter more personality and to communicate their message. Moreover, readily available tools like Glyphs, make it easier to design a font to fit your brand requirements.

Expressive Typography reinforces the meanings of the text and conveys brand messages subtly. Businesses can use Expressive Typography with a unique message on posters, website homepages, and more to effectively convey their brand message.

3D Graphics

3D graphics are becoming prominent and swiftly garnering favor in the design world due to their many applications. They give brands a modern and futuristic look. A skilled graphic designer combines depth, shadows, textures and outlines to convey innovation and modernity. In 2023, through 3D models, animations, or virtual reality, designers will utilize abstract 3D elements to create eye-catching and engaging designs.

Additionally, graphic designers will use three-dimensional, immersive, and virtual reality to explore the metaverse.

AI Design

The increasing use of algorithmic and generative design is evident in how artificial intelligence revolutionizes graphic design. With advancing technology, designers can create things that would be challenging to make by hand. Whether through generative design tools or AI to optimize and improve existing designs, expect to see more artificially augmented or manufactured designs in 2023.

Riso Print

Riso Print will return to graphic design by offering a unique aesthetic. Businesses can benefit from rough, organic textures and vibrant hues of Riso Print to add originality and character. When replicating the stencils, soy-based inks give risograph printing its distinctive, organic appearance. Bold, vivid colors and rough textures set Riso Print designs apart. 2023 will see an increase in the use of risograph effects in graphic design through print or digital media.

Holographic Surrealism

Holographic surrealism aims to create an ethereal, futuristic mood. The use of iridescent colors, holographic patterns, and neon lights define this science fiction and technology-inspired fashion trend. In 2023, holographic elements will create striking, alluring, and futuristic designs. Holographic vibes will likely be a big trend in 2023, whether as holographic elements in packaging, digital graphic, or branding.

What is a Virtual Graphic Designer & What They Do?

A remote graphic designer is a creative individual with extensive training and experience in design. They provide high-level creative and technical assistance and can take on all the tasks of an in-house graphic designer. 

Here are the tasks a graphic design virtual assistant can undertake for you, freeing you up to focus on your core:


A skilled remote designer will turn your ideas into an eye-catching design to make your brochure stand out. They will also be able to help with the layout and ensure that all the information is easy to read and understand. A graphic designer can also ensure that your brochure is print–ready, which will save you time and money.


The best billboard designs are creative and attention-grabbing. Business messages vary depending on the billboard advertisement’s placement. People at a traffic signal have more time to view a billboard than those driving fast by. An online graphic designer  should consider the complexity of the marketing message and the audience when designing.

Business Cards

Business cards make a good impression on potential customers. In the Internet age, business cards have been converted to digital format. They can be on product slips, box inserts, and other brand collateral, among many other things. 


A graphic design virtual assistant with experience creating infographics for your niche can aid in boosting sales, traffic, and brand recognition. They are skilled at designing infographics in an attractive and simple manner that makes the design easy to understand and adds value to the reader.

Website Design

A great website can enable businesses to stand out from the crowd. Skilled virtual assistants help businesses to create professional and aesthetically pleasing websites. Remote graphic designers create great websites that will help reach the target audience. 


When designing flyers, a graphic designer can be of great assistance. They can be a terrific source of ideas and inspiration in creating a bespoke design that meets business requirements. They may also assist in making sure that the flyers look effective and professional.

Is It Worth It to Hire a Remote Graphic Designer?

Businesses are often in a dilemma whether it is worthwhile to hire a remote graphic designer. A virtual assistant (VA) might be a fantastic alternative if you have a project that needs graphic design but doesn’t have the funds to engage a full-time designer. Hiring a graphic designer VA also helps businesses avoid errors. Having a skilled professional assess your creatives before they go live can help you avoid costly mistakes that could hamper your business.

Here are the perks of opting virtual assistant graphic design services:

Remote Graphic Designers are Visual Storytellers

When a company employs a remote graphic designer, they are not merely engaging someone to produce attractive graphics. They are going to employ a visual communicator. You may create and implement a visual identity for your brand with the aid of a graphic design virtual assistant. They could aid in the generation of ideas for you. Although it takes time, brainstorming design ideas is crucial if you want to produce high-caliber designs. Businesses can realize their ideas with the aid of a design VA.

Remote Graphic Designers are Time-Savers

Businesses often waste a lot of time trying to handle everything. However, if you delegate some of the work to a virtual assistant for graphic design, you may focus on the tasks that are critical to you. A skilled graphic design virtual assistant (VA) can handle everything, so you don’t have to. They can manage everything, from locating photos to creating social media postings. As a result, you’ll have more time to focus on other tasks, like meeting with clients and developing company strategy.

Remote Graphic Designers are Economical

Hiring a full-time designer might not be possible if you have a limited budget. The best approach to get the designs you need is to hire a graphic design VA. You pay for the time you use because VAs typically bill by the hour. You’re also getting a lot for your money because a graphic design VA is skilled in marketing and other business-related areas, such as social media. With an online graphic designer, you can get the high-quality designs you need without shelling big bucks.

Remote Graphic Designers Build Your Brand

Virtual graphic designers maintain a recognizable brand image by creating a visual identity that is memorable and easily recognizable to customers. Keeping a consistent brand image is essential to developing a solid brand reputation. As a result of growing customer confidence, consumers are more likely to select your brand over competitors. Hire a virtual assistant to contribute original designs to enhance your brand’s appearance.

How to Hire a Remote Graphic Designer

Also Read: Is a Remote Assistant Worth the Investment?

Hiring a remote graphic designer can be a tedious task. From many virtual graphic design jobs, it becomes to screen the right candidate. Here are some tips on how to find and hire the best freelance graphic designer for your needs.


When a business looks to hire a freelance graphic designer, it’s crucial to do their research and ensure they are hiring someone who is skilled and has experience. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Check out work portfolios
  • Read customer testimonials
  • Interact with the graphic designer

Allocate Budget

Before businesses start looking for a virtual graphic designer, know how much they are likely to spend on the project. Once they know their budget, they can narrow their search to designers to fit within the price range.

Define the Project Scope

Before looking for a designer, it’s crucial to establish the project’s scope. It entails having a specific vision for the design and knowledge of any deadlines or other requirements. You will find it easier to identify a graphic designer who is a suitable fit for the position if you outline the project’s needs in advance.

Conduct a Test Run

Give the remote graphic designers a sample project once you shortlist the potential candidates. Businesses can see how remote graphic designers work and decide if they can fulfill your expectations.

Document Everything

Before beginning any project, it is critical to document everything in writing to avoid misunderstandings later. It encompasses:

  • Scope of the design project
  • Graphic design deadlines
  • Payment terms

Keep Lines of Communication Open

It’s critical to communicate with your designer often to ensure everyone is on the same page during the project.

  • Give feedback on designs
  • Ask questions

Hire a Remote Graphic Designer Today

It is tiresome to hire, monitor, communicate and track a remote graphic designer. Enter, Flowz that offers vetted graphic designers who are available around the clock and create bespoke designs. They offer:

  • Global infrastructure and customer support 
  • Latest design software and technology 
  • Worry-free enterprise software licensing

Flowz’s virtual graphic designers designs:

  • Banners
  • Billboards
  • Brochures
  • Business Forms
  • Catalogs
  • Embroidery Digitizing
  • Flyers
  • Infographics
  • Prepress Art
  • Signage
  • And more

Hiring an Flowz Graphic Designer Gives:

  • Access to full-time or part-time designers without the overhead costs
  • Premium and fully licensed design tools 
  • Seamless communication 


Virtual graphic design plays a significant role in businesses. However, creating great designs requires time, effort, and resources. To this end, a remote graphic designer can help. They exhibit many abilities and solutions that can reduce stress, costs, and time commitment. Hire a remote graphic designer with experience, evaluating their portfolio, and communication skills. Flowz offers fully managed and committed graphic design virtual assistants to ensure you receive the complete creative help that your company requires. 

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